Plugins on the list:

Generate multiple types of sitemaps to improve SEO and get your website indexed quickly.

Categories: General

Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE).

Categories: General

Smaller Images, Faster Sites, Happier Visitors. Comprehensive image optimization that doesn't require a degree in rocket science.

Categories: General

Check posts, pages & all content for broken links to improve SEO. Get notified when bad links are found.

Categories: General

Auto generator of a customizable and designed sitemap page.

Categories: General

Automatically resizes huge image uploads. Are contributors uploading huge photos? Tired of manually resizing your images? Imsanity to the rescue!

Categories: General

Automatically generate the Featured Image from the first image in post or any custom post type only if Featured Image is not set manually.

Categories: General

A better way to tell the world when your blog is updated.

Categories: General

This plugin makes it easy to add Quicktags to the html - and visual-editor.

Categories: General

This plugin gets and caches SNS counts in the background, and help you to shorten page loading time through the use of cache mechanism.

Categories: General