Plugins on the list:

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Protect your website investment with All-In-One Security (AIOS) – a comprehensive and easy to use security plugin designed especially for WordPress.

Categories: General

The simplest and fastest WP Cache system

Categories: General

A simple plugin to update URLs or other text in a database.

Categories: General

Automatically resizes huge image uploads. Are contributors uploading huge photos? Tired of manually resizing your images? Imsanity to the rescue!

Categories: General

The Elementor Website Builder has it all: drag and drop page builder, pixel perfect design, mobile responsive editing, and more. Get started now!

Categories: Page Builders

All-in-one unbeatable acceleration & PageSpeed improvement: caching, image/CSS/JS optimization...

Categories: General

One-click database optimization with precise revision cleanup and flexible scheduling. Speeding up sites since 2011!

Categories: General

An easy, clean and simple way to enhance your site with code snippets.

Categories: General

WP-Sweep allows you to clean up unused, orphaned and duplicated data in your WordPress. It also optimizes your database tables.

Categories: General

The One Click Accessibility toolbar is the fastest plugin to help you make your WordPress website more accessible.

Categories: General

Enhance SEO and organize media effortlessly with Rename Media Files WordPress Plugin. Fix upload issues, santize & optimize filenames, and improve …

Categories: General

Enable LTR in admin content area. Click the admin bar button to switch between RTL & LTR.

Categories: General

Automatically deletes attached media from posts and custom post types added via the Media button.

Categories: General

Smart 404 handling: redirect to matching slug, similar name, or default page.

Categories: General

Enables the previous "classic" editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc. Supports all plugins that extend this screen.

Categories: General

Speed up your website by using our WebP & AVIF Converter. Optimize images and serve WebP and AVIF images instead of standard formats!

Categories: General

Block spam in several ways, blacklist words/ honeypot / IP verification and more, integrate with almost any contact form plugin and comments.

Categories: General