Plugins on the list:

AIOSEO is the most powerful WordPress SEO plugin. Improve SEO rankings and traffic with comprehensive SEO tools and smart AI SEO optimizations!

Categories: Seo

Generate multiple types of sitemaps to improve SEO and get your website indexed quickly.

Categories: General

A very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files.

Categories: General

Optimize images & bulk compress images with lossless compression, lazy load, convert WebP, and properly size images via CDN for incredibly fast sites.

Categories: General

Easily add code snippets in WordPress. Insert header & footer scripts, add PHP code snippets with conditional logic, insert ads pixel code, and more.

Categories: General

Converts Cyrillic, European and Georgian characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters.

Categories: General

Allows you to combine and minify your CSS and JS files to improve page load time.

Categories: General

Ads & AdSense Plugin with features like, DFP, Ads.txt, Web Stories Ads, Click Fraud, Revenue Sharing, Ad Blocker & High Performance.

Categories: General