Plugins on the list:

BadgeOS turns your site into an achievement and badging system. Easily create badges and set up the steps and achievements users complete to earn them …

Categories: General

Adds BadgeOS features to BuddyPress and bbPress. Earn badges/points/ranks based on community activity, and display them on user profiles and activity …

Categories: General

This add-on to BadgeOS automatically creates achievement types, pages and sample content to jumpstart your own badging system.

Categories: General

Enhances sites running BuddyPress and BadgeOS by suggesting next possible incomplete achievements that a user can earn.

Categories: General

Enhances sites running BuddyPress and BadgeOS by joining users to one or more specified groups when they use a special Invite Code to join your site.

Categories: General

This BadgeOS Add-on adds a shortcode to show or hide content depending on the user having earned a specific achievement.

Categories: General

Allows adding a role to a user who has earned a BadgeOS achievement.

Categories: General

Connect WPLMS Learning Management System with BadgeOS platform

Categories: General