Plugins on the list:

bbPress is forum software for WordPress.

Categories: General

Implement attachments upload to the topics and replies in bbPress plugin through a media library and add additional forum-based controls.

Categories: General

Adds different expansions and tools to the bbPress plugin powered forums: BBCode support, signatures, various tweaks, custom views, quote...

Categories: General

bbPress Notify (No-Spam)

By Vinny Alves (UseStrict Consulting)

bbPress Notifications on steroids.

Categories: General

For bbPress - Creates private forum groups

Categories: General

Upload inline images to BBPress forum topics and replies.

Categories: General

Add the ability to moderate and approve new topics and replies in the bbPress V2.0 plugin

Categories: General

A simple plugin to allow your bbPress users to mark their replies as private.

Categories: General

This plugin adds useful admin links and resources for the bbPress 2.x Forum Plugin to the WordPress Toolbar / Admin Bar.

Categories: General

Give your bbPress forum users the ability to report inappropriate content or spam in topics or replies.

Categories: General

This plugin adds support for popular bbcode forum code to posts, comments, pages, bbpress 2.0 forums and buddypress activity and group forums.

Categories: General

Boost your gamification marketing & reward your users with points, achievements, badges & ranks to increase your site activity & loyalty!

Categories: General

Connect GamiPress with bbPress

Categories: General