Plugins on the list:

MW WP Form is shortcode base contact form plugin. This plugin have many features. For example you can use many validation rules, inquiry data saving, …

Categories: General

This plugin modifies the output of the popular Contact Form 7 plugin to be styled in compliance with themes using the Bootstrap CSS framework.

Categories: General

Adds conditional logic to Contact Form 7.

Categories: General

Integrates PayPal & Stripe with Contact Form 7. Start selling with PayPal and / or Stripe today. Developed by an Official PayPal Partner.

Categories: General

Create, customize and send PDF attachments with Contact Form 7 form

Categories: General

Make your website's forms as beautiful and interactive as an app! Add Google's "Material Design"…

Categories: General

Adds Google Analytics Event Tracking to all Contact Form 7 forms. Note: once you are using Google Analytics v4, this plugin may no longer be necessar …

Categories: General

This plugins allow pure CSS responsive grid layouts for contact form 7. It enables rich interlinking of your CMS data via taxonomy/posts populated dr …

Categories: General

We would like to present you the best plugin for Contact Form 7. For a long time we have used this solution for our clients and we have often received …

Categories: General