Improve your WP security with powerful one-click tools like backup, WAF, and malware scan. Includes free tools like stats, CDN and social sharing.
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Firewall, Malware Scanner, Two Factor Auth, and Comprehensive Security Features, powered by our 24-hour team. Make security a priority with Wordfence.
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The best free Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. See how visitors find and use your website so you can grow your business with powerful analytics.
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Backup, restore or migrate your WordPress website to another host or domain. Schedule backups or run manually. Migrate in minutes.
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Search Engine (SEO) & Performance Optimization (WPO) via caching. Integrated caching: CDN, Page, Minify, Object, Fragment, Database support.
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The most popular gallery plugin that lets you create galleries and albums in seconds.
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Allows administrators to globally disable comments on their site. Comments can be disabled according to post type. Multisite friendly.
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Harden your site security with Login Security, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), Vulnerability Scanner, Firewall, and more. Formerly iThemes Security.
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Easy Drag & Drop Page Builder that adds a splash page to your site that it's perfect for a coming soon page, maintenance or landing page.
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Sophisticated antispam plugin for effective daily comment and trackback spam-fighting. Built with data protection and privacy in mind.
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Formerly "Custom Facebook Feed". Display completely customizable Facebook feeds of a Facebook page. Supports Facebook oEmbeds.
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The #1 user-rated activity log plugin for event logging, activity monitoring and change tracking.
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Adds an automatic and dynamic "To Top" button to easily scroll long pages back to the top.
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Updraft - Backup/Restore is a plugin aimed at simplifying backups (and restoration) for your blog. Backup into the cloud (Cloud Files, S3, FTP, and mo …
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Just your beautiful Flickr photos. In a Justified Grid.
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An easy way to add recent Pinterest posts to your WordPress website as a widget.
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