Plugins on the list:

A very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files.

Categories: General

Great looking maintenance, coming soon & under construction pages. Put your site under maintenance in minutes.

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Easily replace any attached image/file by simply uploading a new file in the Media Library edit view - a real time saver!

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Automatically resizes huge image uploads. Are contributors uploading huge photos? Tired of manually resizing your images? Imsanity to the rescue!

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Disable enqueuing of fonts from Google used by WordPress core, default themes, Gutenberg, and many more.

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WP Crontrol enables you to take control of the cron events on your WordPress website.

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Automatically empty proxy cached content when your site is modified.

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WP-Sweep allows you to clean up unused, orphaned and duplicated data in your WordPress. It also optimizes your database tables.

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Query Monitor is the developer tools panel for WordPress.

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The fastest feature-complete SEO plugin for professional WordPress websites. Secure, fast, unbranded, and automated SEO. Do less; get better results.

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With Stream, you’re never left in the dark about changes to your WordPress site.

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Clean database by deleting orphaned data such as 'revisions', 'expired transients', optimize database and more...

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Async Javascript lets you add 'async' or 'defer' attribute to scripts to exclude to help increase the performance of your WordPres …

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A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis®¹. Supports Predis, PhpRedis, Relay, replication, sentinels, clustering and WP-CLI.

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By Oliver Seidel, Bastian Germann

This is a fork of cformsII, a highly customizable, flexible and powerful form builder plugin, covering a variety of use cases and features.

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This plugin allows you to do the following: 1. Change the order that your plugins are loaded. 2. Selectively disable plugins by any post type or wordp …

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Use a3 Lazy Load for images, videos, iframes that are not lazy loaded by WordPress core. Instantly improve your sites load time and dramatically impro …

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Minify HTML output for clean looking markup and faster downloading.

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High performance YouTube video, playlist and audio-only embeds which don't slow down your blog and offer optimal accessibility.

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Use Disqus comments with advanced features like lazy load, shortcode, widgets etc. Don't let Disqus to slow your site down.

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WP Speed of Light is a WordPress speedup plugin and load time testing. Cache, Gzip, minify, group, Lazy Loading, CDN

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Provides a familiar interface to view, search, edit, and delete Transients.

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Automagically download and update gtag.js, bypass Ad Blockers with Stealth Mode, add the tracking code to your site's footer and tons of other fe …

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delete old, expired transients from WordPress wp_options table

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Goes through your posts and gives you the option to cache all hotlinked images from a domain locally in your upload folder

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Peek under the hood with sixty debugging reports just one click away.

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Create a static website directly from your WordPress website with Simply Static.

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Blackhole is a WordPress security plugin that detects and traps bad bots in a virtual black hole, where they are denied access to your entire site.

Categories: General is the FREE image compressor and optimizer plugin - use it to optimize your images and improve the SEO and performance of your website.

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Make your website load FASTER by stopping specific styles (.CSS) & scripts (.JS) from loading. It works best with a page caching plugin / service.

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Get advanced settings and change all you imagine that are not provided by WordPress.

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Speeds up your website by making sure the gravatars are stored on your website and not loading from the gravatar server.

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Machete is a lean and simple suite of tools that solve common WordPress annoyances: cookie bar, tracking codes, header cleanup, social sharing

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Improve website performance by caching widget output in WordPress transients.

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This plugin disables the Pingback functionality in your blog.

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The translations reduces speed of Wordpress. This plugin offers a caching solution that reduces this effects on performance.

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Take advantage of browser resource hints and plug-and-play features to improve page load time.

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A rudimentary plugin for debugging cron.

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A great plugin to split WooCommerce orders. You can duplicate orders as well.

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Log and view all WP HTTP requests

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Add header and footer scripts, PHP Snippets, Custom CSS /JS snippets with advanced conditional logic, and more...

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It stores optimized copies of gravatars locally, reducing the total number of requests. This will speed up site loading and consequently improve the u …

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Custom email and SMS notifications. Automatic send actions. WPForms SMS integration. WooCommerce notifications for purchases, abandoned cart and more!

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Logs wp-cron.php runs.

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Disable Gutenberg Block Editor and restore the Classic Editor and original Edit Post screen (TinyMCE, meta boxes, etc.).

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Cookie Consent Box is a lightweight and good looking way to inform users your site uses cookies and to comply with EU cookie law regulations.

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Load plugins only where you need them. No bloat, no conflicts, more speed. Deactivate plugins where they don't add anything useful.

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OMGF automagically caches the Google Fonts used by your theme/plugins locally. No configuration (or brains) required!

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Manage oEmbed capabilities of your website and take a new step in the GDPR compliance of your embedded content.

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Apache server-info and server-status monitoring right in your WordPress admin.

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Migrate, staging, backup WordPress, all in one.

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Enable caching of the WordPress REST API and auto-flush caches upon wp-admin editing.

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Supercharge Your Pagespeed and SEO by Powerful Caching, JS/CSS, Media, and Cloudflare's Global CDN.

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Trace the execution time of plugins, themes and core files to find the bottlenecks of your system.

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The first cache plugin for the WordPress admin area.

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A better way to disable WooCommerce's cart fragments script, and re-enqueue it when the cart is updated. Works with all caching plugins.

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[//]: # (********************************************************************* **********Short description: 150 characters or fewer; no marku …

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Preload pages intelligently to boost site speed and enhance user experience by loading pages before users click, ensuring instant page transitions.

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Capture and log events, metrics and traces on your site. Make WordPress observable - finally!

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Set up and control WPvivid Backup Free and Pro for all child sites directly from your MainWP Dashboard.

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Optimize and lazy load images to reduce load times, save bandwidth, and improve performance, delivering a faster and smoother user experience.

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OPcache statistics and management right in the WordPress admin dashboard.

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Assists you in creating climate-friendly WordPress websites.

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"Plugin Manager" is a plugin which allow you to disable plugins for page/posts

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APCu statistics and management right in the WordPress admin dashboard.

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All-in-One solution to speed up your WordPress & WooCommerce. Remove unnecessary features and make your site faster and cleaner.

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Powerful sessions manager for WordPress with sessions limiter and full analytics reporting capabilities.

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Country and language IP-based detection for WordPress. Fast, reliable, plug & play.

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Keep your dashboard clean by grouping all the WordPress notice and hide them in a notification center.

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Advanced File Manager and Code Editor. Best WordPress file manager without FTP access. No need to upgrade because this is PRO version.

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Supercharge your website using a persistent object cache, accelerates caching with OPcache backend.

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A very fast REST cache for WordPress, powered by Laravel. This project is more of a learning exercise for myself, rather than a production plugin, how …

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Amuga Ajax Log is a tool built for troubleshooters who need to know what is hitting admin-ajax.

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The easiest and fastest Email Marketing, Newsletter, Marketing Automation Plugin & CRM Solution for WordPress

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How do you make your website great? Clarity can help you quickly see what's working on your site and where people get stuck. And it's free.

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This plugin enables lazy loading for Google Analytics, Microsoft Clarity, Facebook Pixel, Hotjar, Yandex Metrica (Yandex Metrika) and Liveinternet cou …

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Remove unnecessary code, nags and bloat from WordPress core and certain plugins.

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2x-5x improvement in your Page Speed score. A completely new way of optimizing your page speed.

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The Ultimate Forever Free Mail SMTP Plugin for WordPress. Connect with any SMTP, SendGrid, Mailgun, Amazon SES, Brevo, Postmark, Sparkpost, Google...

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Speed up your WordPress site by adding high-performance keys (database indexes) to your MariaDB / MySQL database tables.

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One of the few plugins that overwrites images while keeping your website clean

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Remove Unused CSS, Optimize CSS, Optimize JS and speed up your site.

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Best all-in-one WordPress security plugin, uses HTTP & HSTS response headers to avoid vulnerabilities: XSS, injection, clickjacking. Force HTTP/HTTPS.

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Greatly Improve Performance by Disabling All Unnecessary Features. All with this One lightweight plugin.

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The Cache Purger

By Kevin C Pirnie

Server-side cache purging plugin incorporating a slew of plugin, hosting, and general server based cache purges.

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Organize your WordPress media files in categories via drag and drop.

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Lazy Load AdSense plugin allows you to place your Google AdSense script without affecting your website page speed.

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User-friendly tool to clean and optimize databases. Efficiently manages large databases, simplifying repair and ensuring peak performance.

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Truthful user experience and browsing performances monitoring.

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A profiler to measure the performance of your WordPress plugins and themes.

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FDP add-on to clean up the editor of Elementor. The Elementor editor will be faster and without conflicts with other plugins.

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Place your Microsoft Clarity script without affecting your website page speed.

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A lightweight yet powerful image, iframe, and video optimization plugin. Lazy load, preload, and more. No jquery dependency.

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Central dashboard to monitor various WordPress components, processes and data, including the server.

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Do you have thousands of users on your WordPress site? Look them up fast. Find authors more easily. Speed up your laggy dashboard.

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This is the easiest and fastest way to see if you have a conflict on your site. All changes for admin view only.

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Easiest and fastest way to lazy load any content on your site.

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It will speed up the checkout of WooCommerce by deferring the transactional emails. No settings, just install it and activate it.

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Log, view, and Block WP HTTP requests

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Create snapshots of a WordPress database quickly.

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Log PHP, database and JavaScript errors via WP_DEBUG with one click. Conveniently create, view, filter and clear the debug.log file.

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Meta Optimizer is a WordPress plugin that helps you speed up your website by using meta data. It lets you optimize the meta tables for your posts, com …

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Duplicate post, post order, image resize, email via SMTP, admin menu editor, custom css / code, disable gutenberg and much more in a single plugin.

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Dynamically generate only needed image sizes for only needed images, with manually selected focal point for crops

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AdminSpeedo is a simple method of boosting your WordPress admin dashboard and freeing your site code from unnecessary and not needed items.

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A persistent object cache backend for the rest of us, powered by SQLite.

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QuickWebP is a free and easy-to-use WordPress plugin that automatically converts and optimizes images to WebP for faster performance and improved SEO.

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Wp MagicBox

By MagicBox

Do not install unnecessary plugins on your site. MagicBox is everything you need.

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Introducing an enhanced solution to optimize the performance of your WordPress website. Stabilize your website's load averages and enhance the br …

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Limit, Debug, Optimize WP_HTTP requests. Limit by request count, page load time, reduce timeout for each request. Speed up login and admin pages.

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Self-host Google Fonts and the dedicated custom fonts manager for WordPress with seamless visual/page builders integration.

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Making internationalization/localization in WordPress faster than ever before.

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Duplicate post, post order, email via SMTP, code snippets, disable gutenberg, child theme generator, svg support, disable XMLRPC, and more...

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Plugin that tracks autoloaded options usage and allows the user to optimize them.

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Searches for orders faster on WooCommerce stores with many orders.

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Search and Replace everything in WordPress. Easily find and replace media, images, text, links and more with a single click using a simple user interf …

Categories: General