Plugins on the list:

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

The go-to tool for cloning posts and pages, including the powerful Rewrite & Republish feature.

Categories: General

Regenerate the thumbnails for one or more of your image uploads. Useful when changing their sizes or your theme.

Categories: General

Backup, restore or migrate your WordPress website to another host or domain. Schedule backups or run manually. Migrate in minutes.

Categories: General

Autoptimize speeds up your website by optimizing JS, CSS, images (incl. lazy-load), HTML and Google Fonts, asyncing JS, removing emoji cruft and more.

Categories: General

Easily improve site security with WordPress hardening, vulnerability detection and SSL certificate generation.

Categories: General

Easily replace any attached image/file by simply uploading a new file in the Media Library edit view - a real time saver!

Categories: General

Lets you edit the WordPress admin menu. You can re-order, hide or rename menus, add custom menus and more.

Categories: General

Automatically resizes huge image uploads. Are contributors uploading huge photos? Tired of manually resizing your images? Imsanity to the rescue!

Categories: General

The fastest firewall plugin for WordPress. Protect against a wide range of threats with minimal performance impact.

Categories: General

Allows you to easily manage the frequency of the WordPress heartbeat API.

Categories: General

WP Crontrol enables you to take control of the cron events on your WordPress website.

Categories: General

Keep a comprehensive log of user and system changes that take place on your WordPress website with the the #1 user-rated activity log plugin.

Categories: General

Track changes and user activities on your WordPress site. See who created a page, uploaded an attachment, and more, for a complete audit trail.

Categories: General

An easy, clean and simple way to enhance your site with code snippets.

Categories: General

Protection against hacker attacks and bots. Malware scanner & integrity checker. User activity log. Antispam reCAPTCHA. Limit login attempts.

Categories: General

A lightweight caching plugin for WordPress that makes your website faster by generating static HTML files.

Categories: General

A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis®¹. Supports Predis, PhpRedis, Relay, replication, sentinels, clustering and WP-CLI.

Categories: General

Log, view, and resend all emails sent from your WordPress site. Great for resolving email sending issues or keeping a copy for auditing.

Categories: General

Free addon for the Yoast SEO plugin to hide the bloat it adds to the WordPress backend. See changelog for what's new in this release.

Categories: General

Enable SVG uploads and sanitize them to stop XML/SVG vulnerabilities in your WordPress website.

Categories: General

Easily add tracking code snippets, conversion pixels, or other scripts required by third party services for analytics, marketing, or chat features.

Categories: General is the FREE image compressor and optimizer plugin - use it to optimize your images and improve the SEO and performance of your website.

Categories: General

View the WordPress admin as a different role or visitor, switch between users, temporarily change your capabilities, set screen settings for roles.

Categories: General