Generate multiple types of sitemaps to improve SEO and get your website indexed quickly.
Categories: General
Limit rate of login attempts, including by way of cookies, for each IP. Fully customizable.
Categories: General
WordPress migrations and backups are much easier with Duplicator! Backup, migrate, clone, copy, move and transfer an entire site. Zero Downtime!
Categories: General
This all-in-one SEO plugin gives you control over meta titles & descriptions, open graph, auto-linking, rich-snippets, 404 monitoring, siloing &am …
Categories: Seo
List Category Posts allows you to list posts by category and many other parameters in a post, page or widget. You use the [catlist] shortcode to selec …
Categories: General
Disable enqueuing of fonts from Google used by WordPress core, default themes, Gutenberg, and many more.
Categories: General
SEO Redirection is a powerful redirect manager to manage 301 redirects without requiring knowledge of Apache .htaccess files.
Categories: General
Hyper Cache is a performant and easy to configure cache system for WordPress.
Categories: General
This plugin allows you to add upload custom favicon & Apple touch icon for your website and WordPress Dashboard using built-in media uploader.
Categories: General
Simple copyright protection for your images and text.
Categories: General
This plugin finds related posts and related images while you write your post. Pick related posts manually!
Categories: General
Enable the administrator to delete multiple themes in one click.
Categories: General
A simple single post footer to include sharing links for your visitors.
Categories: General
Adds configurable Credits / Privacy Policy for the European Cookies Law and GDPR, with links / ajax / hover box.
Categories: General