Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.
Categories: Forms
AIOSEO is the most powerful WordPress SEO plugin. Improve SEO rankings and traffic with comprehensive SEO tools and smart AI SEO optimizations!
Categories: Seo
Generate multiple types of sitemaps to improve SEO and get your website indexed quickly.
Categories: General
Limit rate of login attempts, including by way of cookies, for each IP. Fully customizable.
Categories: General
WordPress migrations and backups are much easier with Duplicator! Backup, migrate, clone, copy, move and transfer an entire site. Zero Downtime!
Categories: General
Add a sitemap on any of your page using the simple shortcode [wp_sitemap_page]. Improve the SEO and navigation of your website.
Categories: General
Disable enqueuing of fonts from Google used by WordPress core, default themes, Gutenberg, and many more.
Categories: General
This plugin will help you generate Google Video Sitemaps (XML) for your WordPress blog.
Categories: General
CHANGE: admin menu, login page, admin bar, dashboard widgets, custom colors, custom CSS & JS, logo & images
Categories: General
Easy sharing and connecting on social networks. Display on posts or use widgets or shortcode. Also Twitter name/hashtag to link converter.
Categories: General
Slim version of Jetpack unlinked from WordPress.com :) Supercharge your self-hosted wp site even you're NOT WP.COM users.
Categories: General
Quickly create multiple posts, pages, or other custom post types from a single interface. Helpful for WordPress developers.
Categories: General
Add copyright text at the end of each feed item, display feature image and set…
Categories: General