Plugins on the list:

Custom Portfolio and Shortcode functionality for free Virtue, Ascend, and Pinnacle WordPress themes

Categories: General

YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom add zoom effect to product images and a customizable image slider.

Categories: General

Simple and flexible Mailchimp integration for WooCommerce.

Categories: General

Tags: facebook, twitter, pinterest, google plus, linkedin, tumblr, stumbleupon, share button, social media buttons, social media share buttons, woocom …

Categories: General

Track orders in one place. shipment tracking, automated notifications, order lookup, branded tracking page, delivery day prediction

Categories: General

Fully responsive and mobile ready Carousel Slider for your woo-commerce product. unlimited slider anywhere via short-codes and easy admin setting.

Categories: General

Product slider / carousel for WooCommerce is a fully responsive and mobile friendly carousel which…

Categories: General

Displays a 'new' badge on WooCommerce products published in the last x days.

Categories: General

Given that I am not using Wordpress these days and I haven't really been using WooPoly for a while. I am looking for maintainers to take over thi …

Categories: General

Export WooCommerce orders & export products with advanced filtering. Supports CSV & all Excel formats.

Categories: General

Let customers choose delivery dates & times on checkout. Simplify delivery management by blocking holidays & setting max deliveries per day.

Categories: General

Create and print PDF invoices, packing lists/packing slips, delivery notes and shipping labels for your WooCommerce orders.

Categories: General

This plugin allows multilingual contact form 7 management using the polylang plugin.

Categories: General

Easily integrate your Woocommerce store with polylang.

Categories: General