Plugins on the list:

Manage all your WordPress updates, including individual updates, automatic updates, logs, and loads more. This also works very well with WordPress Mul …

Categories: General

Instant switching between user accounts in WordPress.

Categories: General

WP Crontrol enables you to take control of the cron events on your WordPress website.

Categories: General

Track changes and user activities on your WordPress site. See who created a page, uploaded an attachment, and more, for a complete audit trail.

Categories: General

Query Monitor is the developer tools panel for WordPress.

Categories: General

Provides a familiar interface to view, search, edit, and delete Transients.

Categories: General

Peek under the hood with sixty debugging reports just one click away.

Categories: General

Logs the usage of deprecated files, functions, and function arguments, and identifies where the deprecated functionality is being used.

Categories: General

Improve your productivity with this "2-in-1" save button! It saves the post and immediately takes you to your next action.

Categories: General

Simply Show Hooks helps theme and plugin developers to quickly see where all the action and filter hooks are on any WordPress page.

Categories: General

Extends the excellent User Switching plugin by John Blackbourn by adding a User Switching to the admin bar for quick and easy user switching.

Categories: General

Quickly toggle plugin activation status from the toolbar.

Categories: General