Plugins on the list:

Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE).

Categories: General

The go-to tool for cloning posts and pages, including the powerful Rewrite & Republish feature.

Categories: General

An easy and powerful contact form builder that lets your visitors send you email. Blocks all automated spammers. No templates to mess with.

Categories: General

Duplicate Posts, Pages and Custom Posts easily using single click

Categories: General

WordPress Compatible: yes WP Multisite Compatible: yes Multisite Blog Farm Compatible: yes Tested up to: 3.2 Requires at least: 3.

Categories: General

Set related posts manually but easily with great ergonomics! Stop displaying auto/random related posts!

Categories: General

Allow your users to edit their comments for a period of time.

Categories: General

Epoch - 100% realtime chat and commenting in a tiny little package that is fully CDN and cache compatible.

Categories: General

Make commenting easier with bold, italic, add link and quote buttons on top of the…

Categories: General