Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.
Categories: Forms
The best anti-spam protection to block spam comments and spam in a contact form. The most trusted antispam solution for WordPress and WooCommerce.
Categories: General
Improve your WP security with powerful one-click tools like backup, WAF, and malware scan. Includes free tools like stats, CDN and social sharing.
Categories: General
Regenerate the thumbnails for one or more of your image uploads. Useful when changing their sizes or your theme.
Categories: General
Build responsive page layouts using the widgets you know and love using this simple drag and drop page builder.
Categories: Page Builders
The best WordPress backup and migration plugin. Quickly and easily backup ,migrate, copy, move, or clone your site from one location to another.
Categories: General
Essential elements for modern websites. Add buttons, sliders, heroes, maps, images, carousels, features, icons, more. Create dynamic pages easily.
Categories: General
Adds a more advanced paging navigation interface.
Categories: General
Optimize images & bulk compress images with lossless compression, lazy load, convert WebP, and properly size images via CDN for incredibly fast sites.
Categories: General
A comprehensive collection of visual components for your site
Categories: General
Adds breadcrumb navigation showing the visitor's path to their current location.
Categories: General
Check posts, pages & all content for broken links to improve SEO. Get notified when bad links are found.
Categories: General
Translate WordPress plugins and themes directly in your browser
Categories: General
Cookie Notice allows you to you elegantly inform users that your site uses cookies and helps you comply with GDPR, CCPA and other data privacy laws.
Categories: General
Enables you to display how many times a post/page had been viewed.
Categories: General
Allows authors to hide the title on single pages and posts via the edit post screen.
Categories: General
Visit Counter, shows reads and visitors per page, visitors today, yesterday, last week, last months and other statistics.
Categories: General
Enables the Link Manager that existed in WordPress until version 3.5.
Categories: General
Revision Control allows finer control over the Post Revision system included with WordPress
Categories: General
Adds a widget that shows the most recent posts from a single category.
Categories: General
WP-Sweep allows you to clean up unused, orphaned and duplicated data in your WordPress. It also optimizes your database tables.
Categories: General
Ditty offers a range of content display options, including its signature news ticker and customizable layouts.
Categories: General
Open external links in a new window or new tab. SEO optimized and XHTML Strict compliant.
Categories: General
Create WordPress custom snippets shortcodes and reusable content and insert them in into your posts and pages.
Categories: General
Control how your thumbnails are viewed when a post is shared on social media platfoms.
Categories: General
jQuery T(-) Countdown Widget will display a highly customizable, HTML5 countdown timer as a sidebar widget or in a post or page using a shortcode.
Categories: General
Allows you to embed content within your blog post via WordPress ShortCode API and toggling the visibility of the content via a link.
Categories: General
The RSS Image Feed adds the first image of a post to your feeds, even in firefox and even if you only display the excerpt.
Categories: General
Makes local copies of all the linked images in a post, adding them as gallery attachments.
Categories: General
WP Like button allows you to add Facebook like button on your wordpress blog.
Categories: General
Adds a simple download manager to your WordPress blog.
Categories: General
Display your host's PHP, MYSQL & memcached (if installed) information on your WordPress dashboard.
Categories: General
Remove the "Comments are closed" text from posts.
Categories: General
A slick, Javascript enhanced post archive list generator.
Categories: General
Executes PHP code on WordPress post ,page and on default Text Widget
Categories: General
Adds a more advanced paging navigation for your comments to your WordPress blog.
Categories: General
A top-notch modular plugin that can greatly enhance the capabilities of a WordPress website with its powerful features.
Categories: General
Easily insert star ratings for your movie or book reviews.
Categories: General
Change the (more...) link so that it jumps to the entire post, not just just the part after the (more...).
Categories: General
Twitter Mentions as Comments scours Twitter for people talking about your site & silently inserts their Tweets alongside your existing comments.
Categories: General
Shows a message with link to Gravatar's signup page to commenters and/or users without gravatar.
Categories: General
Display WordPress plugins that you currently have (both active and inactive) onto a post/page.
Categories: General