Plugins on the list:

MainWP Child establishes a secure link between your WordPress sites and your self-hosted MainWP Dashboard, simplifying site management.

Categories: General

The MainWP Child Report plugin tracks changes to Child sites for the Pro Reports Extension.

Categories: General

Streamline your WordPress management with a powerful, self-hosted dashboard for updates, backups, security, cost tracking, and client management.

Categories: General

The MainWP Key Maker plugin copies settings for the MainWP Bulk Settings Manager Extension.

Categories: General

This plugin show SEO statistics for all network sites from MainWP dashboard.
Just install on MainWP dashboard/admin, and use PLUGINS menu to have detailed table with SEO factors.
Support for this plugin is given on official MainWP forum. From version 0.1.2 tables are sortable.

Categories: General

Multiple Email Notifications For MainWP is a MainWP extension which lets user send emails to…

Categories: General

See the activity logs of all MainWP Child and Dashboard sites in one central location - the MainWP Dashboard site.

Categories: General

WP Compress for MainWP

By WP Compress

Install, activate and connect WP Compress across all of your MainWP Child Sites.

Categories: General