Plugins on the list:

Gives you the resources to make select field with redirecting options to a given URLs.

Categories: General

Clones an existing site into a new one in a multisite installation : copies all posts, settings and files

Categories: General

The essential plugin for every multisite install! Manage plugin access permissions across your entire multisite network.

Categories: General

Turn your WordPress Multisite installation into many multisite networks, surrounding one global set of users.

Categories: General

The plugin is designed to share posts, pages, and custom post types from across entire WordPress multisite network on any given page for any subdomain …

Categories: General

For multisite/network installations only. Adds columns to your network admin to show which sites are using each plugin and theme.

Categories: General

This plugin in a multisite installation shows the ID of the current site/blog.

Categories: General


Categories: General

The Complete Membership and Network Solution.

Categories: General

WordPress Multisite User Sync/Unsync

Categories: General