Plugins on the list:

Backup, transfer, copy, and move a site with 1-click. Quick, easy, and reliable.

Categories: General

Allow registered users to upload & select their own avatars.

Categories: General

Allow multiple user accounts to be created, registered, and updated having the same email address.

Categories: General

Map any blog/site on a WordPressMU or WordPress 3.X network to an external domain.

Categories: General

Stop WordPress from sending any emails. ANY!

Categories: General

When a new user registers, their IP address is logged. Supports multisite and single site!

Categories: General

Allows WordPress admins to manage unactivated users, by activating them manually, deleting their pending registrations, or resending the activation em …

Categories: General

Show content of specific posts, pages, ... within their own, additional domains. Useful for SEO: different domains for landingpages.

Categories: General

The NS Cloner saves TONS of time by cloning existing sites in a multisite network to a completely new site in a few seconds.

Categories: General

Adds more privacy options to both single Wordpress sites and WordPress networks.

Categories: General

Allows you to lock your plugins and themes from being updated and keep notes on why the plugin or theme is locked.

Categories: General

Simple plugin which lets you manage Screen Options of all the users on your blog.

Categories: General

View the WordPress admin as a different role or visitor, switch between users, temporarily change your capabilities, set screen settings for roles.

Categories: General

Duplicate/Copy/Clone any individual page, post or custom post type from one site on your multisite network to another.

Categories: General

Turn your WordPress Multisite installation into many multisite networks, surrounding one global set of users.

Categories: General

Enhance Multisite for Network Admins with different topics

Categories: General

Simplified & more useful Plugin Install page, replacing Featured tab with bigger search. Additional Topics tab with curated topic tag list.

Categories: General

A Multisite Network plugin for user activation key removal or approval.

Categories: General

Segregate your BP networks in a multi-network WP install.

Categories: General

Offers registered users flexibility to select site type, plugins, privacy and many other settings before creating a new site.

Categories: General

Adds theme usage statistics within your network, shows themes by user and most popular themes.

Categories: General

Automatically add users to peer blogs in a multisite network.

Categories: General

Multisite Auditor

By Alex Furr, Simon Ward

The only plugin that can properly audit your themes and plugins for LARGE multisite installations (1000+ sites)

Categories: General

Adds a lot useful admin links to the WordPress Toolbar / Admin Bar in Multisite, Network and single site installs. Comes with extended plugin support!

Categories: General

Allow the public to register user accounts on Subsites within a Network (MultiSite) installation.

Categories: General