Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.
Categories: Forms
Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.
Categories: Seo
Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags and more from a WordPress export file.
Categories: General
Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE).
Categories: General
Firewall, Malware Scanner, Two Factor Auth, and Comprehensive Security Features, powered by our 24-hour team. Make security a priority with Wordfence.
Categories: General
Build responsive page layouts using the widgets you know and love using this simple drag and drop page builder.
Categories: Page Builders
The best WordPress backup and migration plugin. Quickly and easily backup ,migrate, copy, move, or clone your site from one location to another.
Categories: General
A comprehensive collection of visual components for your site
Categories: General
Easy Drag & Drop Page Builder that adds a splash page to your site that it's perfect for a coming soon page, maintenance or landing page.
Categories: General
Order your pages and other custom post types that support "page-attributes" with simple drag and drop right from the standard page list.
Categories: General
Simple automated backups of your WordPress-powered website.
Categories: General
The most popular lightbox plugin and responsive gallery builder for WordPress.
Categories: General
Lets you edit the WordPress admin menu. You can re-order, hide or rename menus, add custom menus and more.
Categories: General
The best WordPress membership and user role editor plugin. User Roles & Capabilities editor helps you restrict content in just a few clicks.
Categories: General
Revision Control allows finer control over the Post Revision system included with WordPress
Categories: General
WordPress Security Protection: Malware scanner, Firewall, Login Security, DB Backup, Anti-Spam...
Categories: General
Add custom classes and ids plus first, last, even, odd, and numbered classes to your widgets.
Categories: General
By Pat Friedl
Easy Columns provides the shortcodes to create a grid system or magazine style columns for laying out your pages (or even posts!) just the way you nee …
Categories: General
One-click database optimization with precise revision cleanup and flexible scheduling. Speeding up sites since 2011!
Categories: General
Instant switching between user accounts in WordPress.
Categories: General
Add an expanding/collapsing accordion shortcode.
Categories: General
An admin interface to control the default comment and trackback settings on new posts, pages and custom post types.
Categories: General
The ultimate widget for displaying posts, custom post types or sticky posts with an array of options.
Categories: General
This plugin enables you to edit and display Content Blocks in a sidebar widget or using a shortcode.
Categories: General
Nested Pages provides a drag and drop interface for managing pages & posts in the WordPress admin, while maintaining quick edit functionality.
Categories: General
Security against brute force attacks by tracking IP, name, password; requiring very strong passwords. Idle timeout. Maintenance mode lockdown.
Categories: General
TinyMCE Template plugin will enable to use HTML template on WordPress Visual Editor.
Categories: General
WordPress Compatible: yes WP Multisite Compatible: yes Multisite Blog Farm Compatible: yes Tested up to: 3.2 Requires at least: 3.
Categories: General
Adds proper Facebook Open Graph Meta tags and values to your site so when links are shared it looks awesome!
Categories: General
Add a Default Featured Image for all posts & pages.
Categories: General
Allows admins to create user membership groups and set access restrictions for any post, page or section.
Categories: General
Adds a widget for section (or top level page) based page navigation. Essential for CMS! Includes simple function for template developers.
Categories: General
Automatically all of a nav menu item's descendants as submenu items. Designed for pages but will work with any hierarchical post type or taxonomy …
Categories: General
Send comment moderation notifications ONLY to the Author, not to the site Administration address any more.
Categories: General
Simple widgetized display of the latest posts in your custom post type. Also allows for easy filtered display of regular posts in a widget.
Categories: General
Adds a column to the Edit Pages Dashboard screen displaying the Page Template assigned to…
Categories: General
Set a default thumbnail using an image from your gallery or use your gravatar for posts with no thumbnail set
Categories: General
Makes the ID number of the current page or post visible in the Admin Bar.
Categories: General
Adds simple widget and admin menu item for adding a subpage to the current page.
Categories: General