Plugins on the list:

Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Categories: Forms

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Cookie Notice allows you to you elegantly inform users that your site uses cookies and helps you comply with GDPR, CCPA and other data privacy laws.

Categories: General

The best WordPress plugin for displaying related posts. Simple and flexible, with a powerful proven algorithm and inbuilt caching.

Categories: General

kk Star Ratings allows blog visitors to involve and interact more effectively with your website by rating posts. The feedbacks gotten can help you bet …

Categories: General

Add Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter/X social network sharing buttons with a Floating Sidebar, Sticky Bar, Inline Buttons, Shortcodes, and more.

Categories: General

Enable SSL & HTTPS redirect with 1 click! Add SSL certificate & WP Force SSL to redirect site from HTTP to HTTPS & fix SSL errors.

Categories: General

Inline Related Posts AUTOMATICALLY inserts related posts INSIDE your content, capturing immediately the reader's attention.

Categories: General

Secure your site by hiding exploitable WordPress traces ( plugins, themes, wp-content, wp-includes, wp-admin, login URL). Enhanced Security Headers.

Categories: General

Easy Social box display facebook like box. it enable Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website.

Categories: General

Add posts to your website from any post type using a simple shortcode.

Categories: General

Adds a user friendly and fully automatic way to create and display a table of contents generated from the page content.

Categories: General

Automatically Redirect any 404 page to a Similar Post based on the Title Post Type & Taxonomy using 301 or 302 Redirects!

Categories: General

This plugin caches your hotlinked images from posts and saves it with provided keywords.

Categories: General