Plugins on the list:

The web's #1 click to call button for your website! A simple and powerful plugin that adds a Call Now Button to your website.

Categories: General

Protection against hacker attacks and bots. Malware scanner & integrity checker. User activity log. Antispam reCAPTCHA. Limit login attempts.

Categories: General

Mail Bank is a SMTP Plugin for WordPress that solves email deliverability issue. Configures Gmail Smtp Settings, OAuth, and any SMTP server.

Categories: General

Wpfavs is a plugin manager tool that let's you import your plugins lists from

Categories: General

Create Header, Footer and Blocks for your WordPress website using Elementor Page Builder for free.

Categories: General

La solución completa para el cumplimiento del RGPD y la LOPD GDD en español: Crea los textos legales, el banner de cookies y documenta los consentimie …

Categories: General

Embed Google reviews fast and easily into your WordPress site. Increase SEO, trust and sales using Google reviews.

Categories: General

Elementor Pro

Categories: General