Plugins on the list:

A very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files.

Categories: General

Visit Counter, shows reads and visitors per page, visitors today, yesterday, last week, last months and other statistics.

Categories: General

Set custom permalinks on a per-post, per-tag or per-category basis.

Categories: General

Twitter API 1.1 compliant plugin that provides a function to get an array of tweets from the auth'd users Twitter feed for use in themes.

Categories: General

Edit the permalink of custom post type.

Categories: General

Improve your SEO and keep your link juice by automatically redirecting all 404 errors to any page/post/url. User friendly options and log feature.

Categories: General

Cleans nginx's fastcgi/proxy cache or redis-cache whenever a post is edited/published. Also does a few more things.

Categories: General

Make website faster, speed up page load time and improve performance scores in services like GTmetrix, Pingdom, YSlow and PageSpeed.

Categories: General

Hyper Cache is a performant and easy to configure cache system for WordPress.

Categories: General

بسته ووکامرس پارسی به راحتی سیستم فروشگاه ساز ووکامرس را فارسی می کند و امکانات جدید متناسب با ایران را به ووکامرس اضافه میکند.

Categories: General

The unique Social Plugin to let you integrate Social Login, Social Share, Social Comments and Social Media follow at your website

Categories: General

Clear all cache for WP Super Cache adds a menu entry to the admin menu to clear the cache completely .

Categories: General

This plugin improves the response of WordPress. WordPressサイト及び管理画面のレスポンスを向上させるプラグインです。

Categories: General

WooCommerce Products Per Page is a easy-to-setup plugin that integrates a 'products per page' dropdown on your WooCommerce pages.

Categories: General