Plugins on the list:

FeedWordPress syndicates content from feeds you choose into your WordPress weblog.

Categories: General

Sets a cookie on a random URL that is then checked when a comment is posted. If the cookie is missing the comment is marked as spam.

Categories: General

Import and export users and customers including user meta, roles, and other. Compatible with many plugins. Do it from the front end or using cron.

Categories: General

Note to all used who tried the version 2.0 and 2.0.1 there were was bugs in the logic which upgrades the previous version of the Simply Exclude config …

Categories: General

Author: Bas Schuiling

Categories: General

Clones an existing site into a new one in a multisite installation : copies all posts, settings and files

Categories: General

Adds more privacy options to both single Wordpress sites and WordPress networks.

Categories: General

Consolidates all network feeds into one.

Categories: General