Plugins on the list:

Firewall, Malware Scanner, Two Factor Auth and Comprehensive Security Features, powered by our 24 hour team. Make security a priority with Wordfence.

Categories: General

Reduce your WordPress website’s risk to nearly zero with Solid Security

Categories: General

Protect your website investment with All-In-One Security (AIOS) – a comprehensive and easy to use security plugin designed especially for WordPress.

Categories: General

1 super security anti-spam captcha plugin for Wordpress forms.

Categories: General

Protect, lockdown & secure login form by limiting login attempts from the same IP & banning IPs.

Categories: General

WordPress Security Protection: Malware scanner, Firewall, Login Security, DB Backup, Anti-Spam...

Categories: General

Real security is stopping attackers dead, before they hack your site. Bad Bots Are Your #1 Security Threat.

Categories: General

Google Authenticator for your WordPress blog.

Categories: General

Wordfence Assistant provides data management utilities for Wordfence users.

Categories: General

Change Table Prefix

By Manish Kumar Agarwal

Increase Your Website Database Security

Categories: General