Plugins on the list:

An easy to use mega menu plugin. Written the WordPress way.

Categories: General

Spice up your navigation menus with pretty icons, easily.

Categories: General

Hide custom menu items based on user roles. PLEASE READ THE FAQ IF YOU ARE NOT SEEING THE SETTINGS.

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Easily duplicate your WordPress menus with one click.

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Display tailored menu items to each visitor with visibility rules

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Enhanced Navigation Menu Widget.

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Allows you to add shortcodes in WordPress Navigation Menus.

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Menu Item Visibility Control

By Hassan Derakhshandeh

Control individual menu items' visibility based on your desired condition.

Categories: General

Need some help with the mobile website experience? Need an Mobile Menu plugin that keep your mobile visitors engaged?

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Allows user to select menu items page wise.

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A plugin taht lets you export only your WordPress menus via the WordPress Export page.

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Allows you to add Widgets in WordPress Navigation Menus

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From this plugin you can call menu from shortcode. Where you have option of giving it id, class etc. Read usage to know more.

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This plugin allows you to display your WordPress Custom Menu in a Page, Post or other Custom Post Type. Easily by adding a shortcode.

Categories: General

★ Important Note: This plugin is replacement of WP Mega Menu Plugin.

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Easily add custom fields to nav menu items.

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A flexible and robust accordion menu plugin

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Adding a versatile navigation to your site

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Different menu in different pages is a very lightweight and useful plugin that helps you…

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Create and manage menus of any size of your content-heavy wordpress blogs and websites. Simplified search and new comprehensive layout.

Categories: General

Menu export

By Jill Royer

Menu Export allows you to embed your menu markup on other websites.

Categories: General

Simplifies nav menu maintenance and functionality providing more control over nav menus with less coding.

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A simple plugin that adds a duplicate button to each items on edit menu screen.

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Display wordpress menu with shortcode anywhere in a page, post or template.

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WordPress Mega Menu is a responsive, highly customizable drag and drop menu builder plugin. Download free WordPress megamenu plugin.

Categories: General

C4D Mega Menu will automatically convert your existing menu or menus into a mega menu. You can then add any WordPress widget to your menu, restyle you …

Categories: General

Export WordPress Menus plugin allows you to export your WordPress Menus. You can also export menus month wise. A filter is provided to export menus fo …

Categories: General

WPS Menu Exporter lets you export only your WordPress menus via the WordPress Export page.

Categories: General