Plugins on the list:

This plugin allows you to do the following: 1. Change the order that your plugins are loaded. 2. Selectively disable plugins by any post type or wordp …

Categories: General

Find unused database tables from deactivated or deleted plugins. You can delete unused database tables to reduce database volume and enhance site perf …

Categories: General

Receive dashboard plugin update notifications with changelogs, update all plugins at once, move your plugins from one blog to another.

Categories: General

Wpfavs is a plugin manager tool that let's you import your plugins lists from

Categories: General

Download installed plugins and themes in ZIP files directly from your WordPress admin dashboard, download any or all plugins & themes without FTP …

Categories: General

Quickly toggle plugin activation status from the toolbar.

Categories: General

Organize plugins in the Plugins Admin Page by creating groups and filter types

Categories: General

Dynamically activate the selected plugins for each page. Response will be faster by filtering plugins.

Categories: General

Download plugins and themes on your site as a .zip and ready to install on another site.

Categories: General

Allows for plugin installation simply by submitting the wordpress plugin name or URL. Also includes…

Categories: General

Simplified & more useful Plugin Install page, replacing Featured tab with bigger search. Additional Topics tab with curated topic tag list.

Categories: General

Allows you to insert a list of the Wordpress plugins you are using into any post/page.

Categories: General

WP Plugin Info Card displays plugins & themes data in beautiful cards using WP Plugin & Theme APIs. Dashboard widget included.

Categories: General

Too many plugins bother you? Put them into a group!

Categories: General

Plugin Logic

By simon_h

Url based plugin deactivation or activation.

Categories: General

Adds Theme and Plugin menus in the admin bar.

Categories: General

Shortcode Plugin Download Counter

By soundwaves-productions

This plugin makes it easy to include a plugin download counter on your posts or pages by using Wordpress shortcodes.

Categories: General

More Plugin Info

By Mike Jordan

Connects to, using the Plugin API, to display additional plugin information about installed plugins, such as # of downloads and ratings.

Categories: General

Plugin all info provides a simple way of displaying up-to-date information about specific WordPress Plugin hosted on WP plugin repository.

Categories: General

Role-based active plugins manager. Choose which plugins should be active for each WordPress role in the backend and in the frontend.

Categories: General

Using a shortcode this plugin makes it easy to credit the authors of the plugins…

Categories: General

At-a-glance diagnostic and security info displayed on your site's plugin page about the plugins you have installed (both active and inactive).

Categories: General

Display plugin cards that match the style introduced in WordPress 4.0. Uses the API and supports custom queries.

Categories: General

Provides abstracted data about plugins using the API

Categories: General

Plugins Admin Bar is a free WordPress Plugin that adds quick links to the WordPress Admin Bar, under the site name menu, for plugins and network plugi …

Categories: General

Allows Super Admins to control which plugins are visible to admins of a given site…

Categories: General

Add notes to your plugins so you can document why you needed each one

Categories: General

Add notes to your plugins so you can document why you needed each one

Categories: General

Plugin Info to CSV

By Pixelmattic, Abrar Ahmed

A simple plugin that extracts all the meta information of the plugins installed on your WordPress

Categories: General

Live preview in the customizer allows you to see what plugins do to your site instantly. This experimental plugin brings the ability to activate and d …

Categories: General

Allows you to display information of a plugin in pages/posts using a shortcode

Categories: General

Add thumbnail column to plugins list table in the admin plugins page even they are not in the repository.

Categories: General

Plugin Detective helps you troubleshoot issues on your site quickly and easily to find the cause of a problem. Once the culprit is found, the problem …

Categories: General

Plugin Columns

By Roger Grimstad

Plugin Columns adds several columns to the plugins list (Categories, dates, counters). Useful if you have a lot of plugins installed to filter by cate …

Categories: General

Shortcodes available to get plkugin information from using the plugin.api.

Categories: General

Simple way to export your installed plugins list in CSV format.

Categories: General

[ ✅ 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐔𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐒 b𝓎 𝒫𝓊𝓋𝑜𝓍 ] Show Plugins & Themes information on your site, from WP.ORG API

Categories: General