Plugins on the list:

Order Categories and all custom taxonomies terms (hierarchically) using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript capability.

Categories: General

List Category Posts allows you to list posts by category and many other parameters in a post, page or widget. You use the [catlist] shortcode to selec …

Categories: General

Adds a widget that shows the most recent posts from a single category.

Categories: General

The Order Categories plugin allows you to easily reorder your categories the way you want via drag and drop.

Categories: General

The Categories Images Plugin allow you to add image with category or taxonomy.

Categories: General

Infrastructure plugin which implements metadata functionality for taxonomy terms, including for tags and categories.

Categories: General

Adds the built in WordPress categories and tags to your pages.

Categories: General

Associate images from your media library to categories, tags and custom taxonomies.

Categories: General

Easily add a Post Categories to Wordpress Pages

Categories: General

Allows for the ordering of categories and custom taxonomy terms through a simple drag-and-drop interface

Categories: General

PS Taxonomy Expander

By Hitoshi Omagari

Makes categories, tags and custom taxonomies more useful.

Categories: General

Widget & Shortcode to list down posts filtered by Category, with Thumbnails, Custom HTML structure, Excerpt, CSS theme with API & much more

Categories: General

The List Custom Taxonomy Widget is a quick and easy way to display custom taxonomies. Simply choose the taxonomy name you want to display from an auto …

Categories: General

Adds a widget which uses Javascript to dynamically expand or collapse the set of posts for each category.

Categories: General

This plugin shows post/page/category/tag/comment/media/user IDs on admin's edit post/page/category/tag/comment/media/user pages.

Categories: General

Display a list of related posts on your site based on the most terms in common. Supports thumbnails, shortcodes, a widget and more.

Categories: General

Display Categories Widget

By Suresh Baskaran

Display Categories Widget will display Child categories on your sidebar. Can be placed on widget in sidebar.

Categories: General

WordPress 3.1 and up allow for reasonably simple custom taxonomy, this plugin makes it even simpler, removing the need for you to write any code.

Categories: General

Supercharge your custom post type archives by letting visitors filter posts by their terms/categories. This plugin handles the whole thing for you!

Categories: General

Taxonomy Meta plugin helps you easily add meta values to terms, mimic custom post fields

Categories: General

This is an Easy to use Plugin to Create, Customize, Manage Taxonomies as well as Manage its Custom Meta Fields. Now add images to category/tags.

Categories: General

Category and Taxonomy Image Plugin allow you to add image with category/taxonomy.

Categories: General

WPB Accordion Menu is a responsive collapse vertical sidebar menu for WordPress. WooCommerce category menu, collapsible categories, collapsible menu.

Categories: General

This plugin modifies the categories block to add new features such as collapse and expand categories and subcategories, order, etc.

Categories: General

Use Shortcode to Loop Post From specific Categorie.

Categories: General

Allows user to set the desired categories as well as unset the categories of all the posts in a bulk without editing the posts itself.

Categories: General

Tired of scrolling to find all your categories for that blog post? Use this to…

Categories: General

Post Category Gallery displays selectable categories of posts horizontally and below the featured images of selected posts are displayed.

Categories: General

Post Category Image With Grid and Slider plugin allow users to upload category image and display in grid and slider. Also work with Gutenberg shortco …

Categories: General