Plugins on the list:

Enables you to display how many times a post/page had been viewed.

Categories: General

Post Views Counter allows you to display how many times a post, page or custom post type had been viewed in a simple, fast and reliable way.

Categories: General

This plugin counts views for post and pages, shortcodes [post_view] & [most_view] are available, also a widget "Most Viewed Posts" is.

Categories: General

A plugin logging how many times your post/page has been visited, supporting cache plugin, with detailed analysis pages and powerful external invoking …

Categories: General

This plugins will count each post/page views by visitor.

Categories: General

This plugin will enable you to display how many times a post has been viewed in total. The total views are displayed in entry meta of each post.

Categories: General

Display visited views of each post. Tracks total views in each post. Furthermore, it also…

Categories: General

Display your most popular posts using Jetpack stats.

Categories: General

With this plugin you can see how many views a single post has.

Categories: General

Used to post views for a single post type in wordpress it collects both unique and all returning visits for a single post as a post meta .

Categories: General

Post Views Summary is a dashboard plugin that shows the most and least visited posts and pages.

Categories: General

Count visitor views for your posts [ALSO, READ OUR RECOMMENDATION].

Categories: General

Display the number of views for each one of your posts, as recorded by Jetpack Stats.

Categories: General

This plugin counts the post visits. Use 'post_views_count' meta key to get current post visit counts.

Categories: General

Creates views allowing the user to display of data of custom post type fields and…

Categories: General

This is very useful plugin that let your users know about post analytics means users…

Categories: General

Post_views is a simple Wordpress plugin to track (and display) the views of all the posts and the pages of a blog.

Categories: General

Plugin that count post/page views.

Categories: General

The SM Post View Counter is a wordpress widget plugin used to show post view count for.

Categories: General

By using this smart plugin, allows you to display how many times a post, page…

Categories: General