Plugins on the list:

ATTENTION: following breaking changes in the LinkedIn API this plugin won't be functional anymore after March 1st. More information here

Categories: General

Publish posts automatically to LinkedIn.

Categories: General

This widget displays badge with a link to a LinkedIn profile page.

Categories: General

Allows users to display their Company's LinkedIn updates with [shortcode] or PHP.

Categories: General

TechGasp Link Master, if you are serious about your linkedin connections and want to integrate your personal linkedin page, company follow button and …

Categories: General

Bring your LinkedIn profiles to your site to help users discover common professional connections. This plugin embed Profile summary card directly on y …

Categories: General

WP LinkedIn Auto Publish automatically publishes posts, custom posts and pages to your LinkedIn profile and/or company pages.

Categories: General

Publish all your LinkedIn public profile (or just some selected parts) on your blog. With…

Categories: General

This plugin lets you easily add the Linkedin Profile badge to your WordPress blog via a shortcode.

Categories: General

One click Ultimate LinkedIn Integration/Registration, Buddy Press Integration, profile syncing, and more...

Categories: General

Automatically add InShare buttons to your posts. It works for single pages and loops and is display options are customizable.

Categories: General

Display your LinkedIn profile in a page, post or the sidebar of your blog. Has a network mode for multisite installations.

Categories: General

LinkedIn is a social media network that is in a league of its own. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn is completely focused on professional engagem …

Categories: General

Bring your Company LinkedIn profile to your site to help users to follow your company in Linkedin. This plugin embed Company Profile summary card dire …

Categories: General

Provides precise Open Graph data to LinkedIn for perfect sharing

Categories: General

This plugin lets you place a LinkedIn Share button on your WordPress blog as a…

Categories: General

This plugin provides a small button displayed on your websites to help users easily follow a Company/Showcase Page.

Categories: General

Display your CV (also called Resume or Curriculum vitae) on your blog from your linkedIn public page informations.

Categories: General

Import/Display LinkedIn Company Profile

Categories: General