Plugins on the list:

This plug-in is an integrated plug-in with a variety of features that make it powerful your web site.

Categories: General

The Vkontakte API plugin is designed for the regular users who need to add any…

Categories: General

Redirect your visitors to another page than the post content when they click on the post title.

Categories: General

Автопубликация записей с фото на стене ВКонтакте, анализ групп, кнопки, виджеты...

Categories: General

Create beautiful responsive image collages for all your posts and pages

Categories: General

Display to Post Author Information Box on bottom of the contents.

Categories: General

Cross posting your entries from the Wordpress community Vkontakte Крос постинг ваших записей из Wordpress в сообщество Вконтакте

Categories: General

Подключает виджет комментариев социальной сети "Вконтакте" к сайту на WordPress.

Categories: General

Create responsive collage gallery from images attached to the post.

Categories: General

Add a sharing button to the Jetpack Sharing module

Categories: General

Автоматическая синхронизация магазина на WooCommerce c разделом Товары ВКонтакте.

Categories: General


Categories: General

Plugin allows you to add fully customizable share button of VKontakte social network.

Categories: General

This pulugin is possible to Block layout on Tinymce editor.

Categories: General

Фотогалереи из социальной сети 'вконтакте'

Categories: General


By Yaroslav Bogutsky

The plugin adds a wide range of VKontakte functionality to your site.

Categories: General

This plugin can create Bootstrap grid layout on front-end.

Categories: General

If you want to avoid loading weighty scripts, increase your page loading speed, use this…

Categories: General

Добавляет к постам виджет «Мне нравится» из социальной сети ВКонтакте (

Categories: General

Онлайн кинотеатр из видеоальбомов ВКонтакте.

Categories: General

Автоматическая публикация обновлений блога на стене группы ВКонтакте.

Categories: General

Widget last comments VK

Categories: General

Add link to share the current post or page to social network VKontakte (,

Categories: General

Basic photo gallery that is familiar to photo albums. Plugin registers new taxonomy for albums and new post_type for photos. Design is adaptive

Categories: General

Moderation vk comments in your site. Conveniently edit comments.

Categories: General

vKonnect automated submitter WordPress plugin is a one big platform to share your social media…

Categories: General

Plugin allow import photos from social network

Categories: General

WebCollage is a cute plugin for Wordpress sites. It creates a collage of snapshots of the websites that you have in your links database or blogroll.

Categories: General

Кросс-постинг обновлений блога на стенах ВКонтакте.

Categories: General

Plugin for Auto crossposting your new Wordpress posts to wall on your "public page" on…

Categories: General

Forces to use the first image from post while sharing a link.

Categories: General

Product Collage

By Thewpexperts

Product Collage is a plugin used to create products collage. When you add a new collage then system will generate a code and you can use that code in …

Categories: General

Product Collage

By Thewpexperts

Product Collage is a plugin used to create products collage. When you add a new…

Categories: General

Bologer VK Comments adds comment widget from for posts and pages with custom settings.

Categories: General