Plugins on the list:

Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Categories: Forms

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Generate multiple types of sitemaps to improve SEO and get your website indexed quickly.

Categories: General

Firewall, Malware Scanner, Two Factor Auth and Comprehensive Security Features, powered by our 24 hour team. Make security a priority with Wordfence.

Categories: General

Connects Google Analytics with your WordPress site. Displays stats to help you understand your users and site content on a whole new level!

Categories: General

The #1 Mailchimp plugin for WordPress. Allows you to add a multitude of newsletter sign-up methods to your site.

Categories: General

Optimize images & bulk compress images with lossless compression, lazy load, convert WebP, and properly size images via CDN for incredibly fast sites.

Categories: General

Backup, transfer, copy, and move a site with 1-click. Quick, easy, and reliable.

Categories: General

Create a complete WordPress backup easily. Schedule automatic backups, store securely, and restore effortlessly with the best WordPress backup plugin!

Categories: General

Share buttons for WordPress including the AddToAny button, Facebook, Mastodon, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit, Threads, many more, and follow icons too.

Categories: General

Formerly "Instagram Feed". Display clean, customizable, and responsive Instagram feeds from multiple accounts. Supports Instagram oEmbeds.

Categories: General

Migrate your database. Export full sites including media, themes, and plugins. Find and replace content with support for serialized data.

Categories: General

The Elementor Website Builder has it all: drag and drop page builder, pixel perfect design, mobile responsive editing, and more. Get started now!

Categories: Page Builders


By Cloudflare, Inc.

All of Cloudflare’s performance and security benefits in a simple one-click install.

Categories: General

Translate WordPress with Google Language Translator multilanguage plugin which allows to insert Google Translate widget anywhere on your website.

Categories: General

Real security is stopping attackers dead, before they hack your site. Bad Bots Are Your #1 Security Threat.

Categories: General

NO LONGER MAINTAINED. Send emails and upload contacts through SendGrid from your WordPress installation using SMTP or API integration.

Categories: General

Display unlimited number of ads inside your WordPress widget.

Categories: General

A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis®¹. Supports Predis, PhpRedis, Relay, replication, sentinels, clustering and WP-CLI.

Categories: General

Improve your speed score on GTmetrix, Pingdom Tools and Google PageSpeed Insights by adjusting CSS and JS files (defer, async, minify, combine, etc), …

Categories: General

Automatically save all data submitted via Contact Form 7 to your database

Categories: General

Optimize PageSpeed Performance & Core Web Vitals, Advanced Cache, Minify CSS & JavaScript, Inline Critical CSS, Defer CSS & JS, Smush & Lazy Load, CDN

Categories: General

Automatically store media on Amazon S3, Cloudflare R2, Google Cloud Storage, DigitalOcean Spaces + others. Serve CSS/JS assets through CDNs.

Categories: General


By Dion Designs

UsageDD allows administrators to monitor the resource usage of their WordPress installation.

Categories: General

Bugsnag is a WordPress plugin that automatically detects errors & crashes on your WordPress site, and notifies you by email, chat or issues system

Categories: General