Plugins on the list:

Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Categories: Forms

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Everything you need to launch an online store in days and keep it growing for years. From your first sale to millions in revenue, Woo is with you.

Categories: Ecommerce

The go-to tool for cloning posts and pages, including the powerful Rewrite & Republish feature.

Categories: General

The best free Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. See how visitors find and use your website so you can grow your business with powerful analytics.

Categories: General

Search Engine (SEO) & Performance Optimization (WPO) via caching. Integrated caching: CDN, Page, Minify, Object, Fragment, Database support.

Categories: General

The visual editor widget for WordPress.

Categories: General

Reduce your WordPress website’s risk to nearly zero with Solid Security

Categories: General

Translate WordPress plugins and themes directly in your browser

Categories: General

Easily redirect pages/posts or custom post types to another page/post or external URL by specifying the redirect URL and type (301, 302, 307, meta).

Categories: General

The complete and reliable plugin for managing custom post types, custom taxonomies and custom fields.

Categories: General

Create, print & automatically email PDF or UBL Invoices & PDF Packing Slips for WooCommerce orders.

Categories: General

Customise columns on the administration screens for post(types), pages, media, comments, links and users with an easy to use drag-and-drop interface.

Categories: General

Remove and delete old revision of posts, pages and related meta content completely then optimize Database: reduce size and optimization to speed up!

Categories: General

Creates a metabox to the Appearance > Menu page to add custom post type archive links

Categories: General

Groups is an efficient and powerful solution, providing group-based user membership management, group-based capabilities and content access control.

Categories: General

Easily disable the default wpautop filter on a post by post basis.

Categories: General

Adds inline thumbnail image to admin columns on Post/post types view (where supported). Click to easily set/change the featured image.

Categories: General

Delete menu item & its sub items quickly

Categories: General