Plugins on the list:

Regenerate the thumbnails for one or more of your image uploads. Useful when changing their sizes or your theme.

Categories: General

Smaller Images, Faster Sites, Happier Visitors. Comprehensive image optimization that doesn't require a degree in rocket science.

Categories: General

The most popular lightbox plugin and responsive gallery builder for WordPress.

Categories: General

Build beautiful, fully functional contact forms in only a few minutes without writing PHP, CSS, or HTML.

Categories: General

Description: Beef up the WordPress TinyMCE content editor with a plethora of advanced options.

Categories: General

Creates a Coming Soon page or Launch page for your Website while it's under construction and collects emails from your visitors.

Categories: General

WordPress button plugin so powerful and easy to use anyone can create beautiful buttons, share buttons and social icons.

Categories: General

The easiest and highest rated way to Add Widgets or Sidebars to Posts and Pages using Visual editor, shortcodes or template tags.

Categories: General

Upload your own social media icons or choose from font-awesome. Use widget|shortcode to place icons anywhere(sidebar, header, footer, page) in theme.

Categories: General

This plugin is more than just a photo album plugin, it is a complete, highly customizable multimedia cms and display system.

Categories: General

Modern video galleries for the web. Now moved entirely to

Categories: General