Plugins on the list:

Add multicurrency support to WooCommerce, allowing you set product's prices in multiple currencies based on country of your site's visitor.

Categories: General

Sell product in different price for different user role based on your settings.

Categories: General

Woocommerce Add Countries is a lightweight plugin which allows you to add new countries to the Woocommerce countries list. Requires Woocommerce.

Categories: General

Unlock exclusive discounts for registered users, subscribers, editors, and various roles within Woocommerce. Enhance your shopping experience by rewar …

Categories: General

Choose which payment gateway will be available in country/countries.

Categories: General

A WooCommerce plugin/extension that adds ability for your store to show/hide products based on visitors…

Categories: General

Restrict WooCommerce products to certain countries.

Categories: General

Create WC Coupons Based On User Role / Block Certain Coupon for Selected User Roles.

Categories: General

Filter WooCommerce Sales Reports by user role

Categories: General

Show your appreciation for your loyal customers by offering them discounts!

Categories: General

Custom plugin uploaded by Tom

Categories: General

Hide Product Add To Cart / Price Based on User Role

Categories: General

Restrict or hide WooCommerce products by country, create country catalogs.

Categories: General

Display WooCommerce shipping methods based on User Role and Country. Globally compatible.

Categories: General