Plugins on the list:

Extend the search functionality of woocommerce to include searching of sku

Categories: General

Automatically generate WooCommerce product SKUs from the product / attribute slugs and/or IDs.

Categories: General

Product Subtitle For WooCommerce plugin allows you to easily add a subtitle to your Products.

Categories: General

This plugin will remove SKU completely from the product details page.

Categories: General

Set a limit for WooCommerce product titles at the frontend of your shop.

Categories: General

SKU Generator for WooCommerce plugin adds full Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) support to your WooCommerce shop.

Categories: General

This plugin fixes a unique SKU error of WooCommerce products.

Categories: General

This plugin will provide the extra search functionality to your product by SKU number. This simple plugin adds this functionality to both the admin si …

Categories: General

Adds a button to the WC edit/new product page that enables generating a SKU (catalog number) in a pre-defined format and length.

Categories: General

Automatically assign unique SKU to all your product variations, adding a letter (a, b, c, ...) to the main product SKU.

Categories: General

WP e-Commerce extension that adds the SKU to the notification emails that are produced. Requires WP e-Commerce 3.8.10 or above.

Categories: General

Simple SKU Generator

By H.P. Gong

The purpose of Simple SKU Generator plugin is to create SKU for the products.

Categories: General

Add Product SKU value in woocommerce products url

Categories: General

Woo Sku to Product, If a user search for a production by its SKU user will be redirected to Product page directly Woo Commerce basic configurations.

Categories: General

Woocommerce Search By SKU allows you to be able to search for prouducts by their sku number. If a full sku is entered then the page is automatically p …

Categories: General

Allows WooCommerce orders to be searched by product SKU - Stock Keeping Unit.

Categories: General

Allows WooCommerce orders to be searched by product SKU - Stock Keeping Unit.

Categories: General

This plugin enables inventory reports sorted by SKU

Categories: General