Plugins on the list:

Delete and REALLY force thumbnail regeneration.

Categories: General

User Role Editor WordPress plugin makes user roles and capabilities changing easy. Edit/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.

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100% FREE clone and migration

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Lets you edit the WordPress admin menu. You can re-order, hide or rename menus, add custom menus and more.

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Manage all your WordPress updates, including individual updates, automatic updates, logs, and loads more. This also works very well with WordPress Mul …

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Customise columns on the administration screens for post(types), pages, media, comments, links and users with an easy to use drag-and-drop interface.

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Instant switching between user accounts in WordPress.

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Take full control of your WordPress site with Advanced Access Manager (AAM), the ultimate plugin for managing access at the frontend, backend, and API …

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PublishPress Future can make scheduled changes to your content. You can unpublish posts, move posts to a new status, update the categories, and more.

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PublishPress Capabilities is the access control plugin. You can manage permissions, user roles, admin menus and more.

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WPIDE is an advanced File Manager & Code Editor for WordPress. You can edit any files in your wp-content folder, not just plugins and themes.

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With the "User Access Manager"-plugin you can manage the access to your posts, pages and files.

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The unique Social Plugin to let you integrate Social Login, Social Share, Social Comments and Social Media follow at your website

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Disable Dashboard access for users of a specific role or capability. Disallowed users are redirected to a chosen URL. Get set up in seconds.

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Use Insights from Google PageSpeed to increase your sites performance, your search engine ranking, and your visitors browsing experience.

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New User Approve allows a site administrator to approve a user before they are able to login to the site.

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Groups is an efficient and powerful solution, providing group-based user membership management, group-based capabilities and content access control.

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YITH Custom Login give you the ability to customize the login page of wordpress.

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This plugin will create a new login page for your site. You can also create separate login pages for administrators and for other users.

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Dynamic tree-widgets to replace the standard archives, categories, pages and link lists. Support custom Menus too.

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Facebook Login for WordPress simple adds a facebook login button into wp-login.php and let you…

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Enable large file uploads in the built-in WordPress media uploader via file chunking, and set maximum upload file size to any value based on user role …

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Easily add tracking code snippets, conversion pixels, or other scripts required by third party services for analytics, marketing, or chat features.

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An easy-to-use user management plugin that allows user login, reset-password, profile update and user registration with extra fields, all on front-end …

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Install plugins of any size (i.e. work around web hosting limits)

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Allows administrators or capable users to change the users profile url.

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Customize the text labels, menu names or description for any registered custom post type using a simple Dashboard user interface.

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Allow and control Editor and Shop Manager access to the menus, widgets and appearance menu, plus other menus and adminbar items.

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Add extra fields to the user profile page, saved in WordPress' native way (in wp_usermeta).

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Deter members from sharing login credentials: restrict simultaneous logins for the same user.

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Enhanced Category Pages

By Ciprian Amariei, Diana Amitroaei

Create custom enhanced pages for categories and any taxonomy term and manage them as a custom post.

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Have "Remember Me" checked by default on the login page and configure how long a login is remembered. Or disable the feature altogether.

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WP Users Media is a WordPress plugin that displays only the current users media files and attachments in WP Admin.

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Show/hide menu items to logged in users, logged out users or specific user roles. Display logged in user details in menu. Add a logout link to menu.

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Show or hide any portion of post content based on usernames, user roles, capabilities, custom groups, or logged-in status.

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Allows WordPress admins to manage unactivated users, by activating them manually, deleting their pending registrations, or resending the activation em …

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Create self-expiring, temporary admin accounts. Easily share direct login links (no need for username/password) with your developers or editors.

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Hide individual WordPress pages from search engines and/or WordPress search, such as confirmation and download pages that should only be accessible vi …

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Adds Authentication through OAuth 2. Provides the ability for Single Sign On for websites & Mobile Applications.

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Get advanced settings and change all you imagine that are not provided by WordPress.

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This is a Wordpress plugin that allows direct excel-like editing of

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Images for categories, tags, and other taxonomy terms

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Add categories to media & attachments.

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Enable tabs in the edit screen and manage them from the back-end.

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Download any plugin from your WordPress admin panel's Plugins page by just one click! Now, download themes, users, blog posts, pages, custom post …

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A plugin that provides native-like support for dated archive pages of custom post types (e.g.…

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Display SSL Seal or Custom Image on WooCommerce Checkout Page.

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Download installed plugins and themes in ZIP files directly from your WordPress admin dashboard, download any or all plugins & themes without FTP …

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Switch the taxonomy for all terms or only child terms of a specified parent term.

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Organize plugins in the Plugins Admin Page by creating groups and filter types

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Easy to use XML and HTML sitemap generator + Robots editor

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Dynamically activate the selected plugins for each page. Response will be faster by filtering plugins.

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Logs out users within defined time when inactive. Modify to show only wake up message and not log out as well. Supported for multisites as well.

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WP User Groups allows users to be categorized using custom taxonomies & terms.

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Plugin is used to add .html after every URL of page

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A text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers

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Passwordless login form via a simple to use shortcode: [passwordless-login]

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Passwordless login form via a simple to use shortcode: [passwordless-login]

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WordPress Username availability checker checks if a username is available or not.

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Allows admins to protect selected posts and pages so they cannot be trashed or deleted by non-admin users.

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Make long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly.

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Pretty icons for categories, tags, and other taxonomy terms

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Protect bbPress Forums, Topics and Replies using Groups.

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Save settings and posts using Ajax! Fast and easy, no options.. just activate plugin! translation ready, RTL Support, Arabic language included.

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Make your WordPress login extra secure with One Time Passwords.

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Use your mobile phone to login into wordpress. Allow users instant registration. Fully protection against force brute attacks

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EM Dashboard adds an Easy Mode feature in your admin dashboard so you can work distraction-free. It's super elegant for new users.

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Protect access to blogs via group memberships powered by Groups.

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Add custom icons to your categories, tags, and custom taxonomies.

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Simple settings page to allocate multiple roles to a user.

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A simple plugin to allow plugins re-installation.

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WP Custom Admin Interface

By Martin Gibson

With WP Custom Admin Interface you can easily customise the WordPress admin and login interfaces.

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Now WordPress site can store all its content (pages and media) in cloud. This makes site powered by enormous scale and reliability of cloud storage.

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Control the periodical visibility of each widget based on weekdays within a yearly time period easily.

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Frontend Dashboard is bundled with huge list of custom features which can easily customise the User profile, Posts, Login, Register, Custom roles.

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Enhance file and folder management in your WordPress Media Library for images, videos, and other media.

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Receive email notifications when errors occur on your WordPress site.

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This plugin has been developed for creating user roles from the WordPress admin area and assigning the arbitrary access rights to them.

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See today's Wikimedia Commons picture of the day behind WordPress login screen.

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Frontend Dashboard Pages is a plugin to show pages inside the Frontend Dashboard menu. The assigning page may contain content, images and even shortco …

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Frontend Dashboard Custom Post is an add-on to add and customize the custom posts and taxonomies (category and tag) inside the Frontend Dashboard.

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Frontend Dashboard Extra WordPress plugin is a supportive plugin for Frontend Dashboard with supportive additional features likes extra Calendar for s …

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Frontend Dashboard Template will have customised layouts with logo, varieties colors for layouts, extendable by widget and layouts.

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Frontend Dashboard Captcha WordPress plugin is a supportive plugin for Frontend Dashboard to protect against spam in Login and Register form.

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A powerful data-driven WordPress App Builder with an intuitive Table Builder and highly customizable Form Builder

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A powerful data-driven WordPress App Builder with an intuitive Table Builder and highly customizable Form Builder

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Ultimate Last Modified Plugin for WordPress with Gutenberg Block Integration. It is possible to use shortcodes to display last modified info anywhere …

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Load plugins only where you need them. No bloat, no conflicts, more speed. Deactivate plugins where they don't add anything useful.

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Very simple plugin to hide admin bar based on selected user roles and user capabilities.

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Frontend Dashboard payment allows user to pay the subscription or one time payment via PayPal.

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Frontend Dashboard membership allows flexible way to create a membership based website.

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Optimize your site instantly with one-click activation. WP Extra offers easy fixes and features for WordPress.

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This plugin is a generator of customizable dummy images.

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Lets customers delete their account by their own from their myaccount page for WooCommerce sites. For non-store sites, add the account delete page any …

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This WordPress plugin contains a web Qr scanner with a redirect function. It is also possible to embed a custom QR code for a website via a shortcode.

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We can add a more descriptive label to pages/posts/projects, displayed in an admin column screen so that these can be easily identified.

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Admin Menu Search adds a search box filter to the top of the WordPress Admin Menu so you can easily locate items on sites with lots of menus.

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Manage your site user roles & capabilities the easy way.

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WP Direct Login Link

By Amit Kumar

Create a secure way to login by Link.

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Increase maximum upload file size limit to any value. Increase upload limit - upload large files.

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Frontend Dashboard payment allows user to pay the subscription or one time payment via PayPal.

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The plugin automatically hides unused Admin Menu items and adds search box for menu items

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Use custom admin bar colors and favicons to differentiate your environments (staging/prod)

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Loginer is a Custom Login Page Builder. It provides beautifully designed Custom Login, Registration, Profile, Password Reset & Forget Password Pages.

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A tool that helps you restore and recover images from your wp-content/uploads folder after a database failure or reset.

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Allows you to take complete control of your admin area's content by restricting access to admin menus, submenus, posttypes to specific user or sp …

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Add Role Site Manager

By Steve Wei

Add out-of-the-box a 'Site Manager' role with less capabilities than 'Administrator' for the client manager to avoid accidental de …

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[ ✅ 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐔𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐒 b𝓎 𝒫𝓊𝓋𝑜𝓍 ] Prevent users from modifying specific Profile & Dashboard fields.

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White label & rebrand your login page & WordPress dashboard. Customize system emails & get everything to rebrand WordPress with Branda.

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Direct Download Plugins and Themes Zip allows to download installed plugins and themes files in…

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Frontend Dashboard Notification is an add-on for Frontend Dashboard WordPress plugin which allows user to show notification in Frontend Dashboard page …

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Minimal plugin that allows WordPress users to log in using Google.

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Deselect "Uncategorized" (or your chosen "default category") when others are selected; re-select it when no others are.

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Simple but smart and modern Ajax contact form. With Form Blocks and Gutenberg based settings page.

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Generate realistic dummy content for WordPress quickly. Ideal for developers and designers to populate sites for testing and development.

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It hides the default role dropdown list and displays a list of role checkboxes to select multiple roles for a user.

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Enhances WordPress Media Library with some features (folders, dominant color, location category and others).

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New User Approve Require

By elegantapps27

New User Approve Require when user is register into wordpress admin need to approve account…

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Qrcode and Barcode scanner reader is a simple but fantastic plugin that allows you to scan barcodes and qr codes via a web page

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