Plugins on the list:

Get together safely, in your own way, in WordPress.

Categories: General

New User Approve allows a site administrator to approve a user before they are able to login to the site.

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Adds collaborative Docs to BuddyPress.

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Makes BuddyPress's invitation features more powerful.

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Buddypress 2.5 required! This plugin add custom field types to Buddypress Xprofile extension. Field types are: Birthdate, Email, Url, ...

Categories: General

BuddyPress Group Email Subscription

By Deryk Wenaus, boonebgorges, r-a-y

This powerful plugin allows users to receive email notifications of group activity. Weekly or daily digests are available.

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With Social Articles you can create and manage posts from your BuddyPress profile.

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BuddyPress Edit Activity allows your members to edit their activity posts on the front-end of your BuddyPress-powered site.

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Add extra fields to the user profile page, saved in WordPress' native way (in wp_usermeta).

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Give your groups the ability to have any custom fields admins want. Also, an extra page will appear with the chosen content (with subpages).

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Allow users to have multiple roles on one site.

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Allows WordPress admins to manage unactivated users, by activating them manually, deleting their pending registrations, or resending the activation em …

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Plugin will create lots of users, messages, friends connections, groups, topics, activity items, profile data - useful for testing purpose.

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Allow users with specific WordPress roles to delete themselves from the Your Profile page or anywhere Shortcodes can be used.

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BuddyPress Sitewide Activity Widget allows you to use BuddyPress Sitewide activity stream as a widget.

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MediaPress is the most advanced and feature rich media gallery plugin for BuddyPress & WordPress.

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This plugin adds useful admin links and resources for BuddyPress 1.5+/1.6+/1.7+ to the WordPress Toolbar / Admin Bar.

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BuddyPress Custom Profile Menu

By Sensible Plugins

Easily add tabs to the BuddyPress user profile. Using this plugin, you can simply append regular Wordpress menus to BuddyPress.

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BuddyPress Member Type Generator allows site admins to create/manage BUddyPress member types from dashboard.

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Helps you to know your website's visitors by tracking their login related information like login/logout time, country, browser and many more.

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Allows you to use #hashtags, @usernames and $cashtags in your posts. #hashtags are automatically added as post tags. Highly customizable!

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Automatically create and accept friendships for specified users upon new user registration. * Requires BuddyPress

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Photo Albums for BuddyPress. Includes Posts to Activity Stream, Member Comments, and Gallery Privacy Controls.

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Allows a new BuddyPress user to select groups to join during the registration process.

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Resolves IP address to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two-letter country code and name and displays country flag image if required.

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Allows admins to specify verified accounts. Adds a badge to verified usernames.

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Custom user profiles plugin ❤ with paid memberships, groups, communities, content restriction, user registration, messaging, WooCommerce memberships, …

Categories: General

Enhance your BuddyPress profile fields with Advanced XProfile Fields for BuddyPress. Manage fields labels, validation and show fields in admin.

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Turn your WordPress Multisite installation into many multisite networks, surrounding one global set of users.

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Hashtags for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress. Adds hashtag links to BuddyPress activity and bbPress topics. Hashtags turn into links that are used t …

Categories: General

Mutual buddies displays BuddyPress mutual friends of the logged in user & the user whose profile the user is looking at on the Profile page.

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A plugin to check the age of a visitor before view site or specified content

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Buddypress xProfile Rich Text Field adds a Rich-text Editor custom field type to Extended Profiles in BuddyPress.

Categories: General

BuddyPress Groupblog

By Rodney Blevins, Marius Ooms, Boone Gorges

BuddyPress Groupblog extends the group functionality by enabling the group to have a single blog associated with it.

Categories: General

Only logged in users can view your buddy press members page. Non logged in users will be redirected to either register/login page.

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Allows BuddyPress groups to have subgroups.

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Better Messages – is realtime private messaging system for WordPress, BuddyPress, BuddyBoss Platform, Ultimate Member, PeepSo and any other WordPress …

Categories: General

Protect parts of posts from unauthorized users. Requires User Access Manager.

Categories: General

A BuddyPress plugin that use a point system to display a progress bar or progress percentage for any of completed member's xprofile fields and/or …

Categories: General

This plugin changes the blog author links on a buddypress site to link to the author's buddypress member profile.

Categories: General

Allow your members to select additional privacy settings for who can view their profile and it's visibility on the directory page.

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Powerful and feature-rich user directory based on user profile meta fields.

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The easiest way to share your favorite content from sites like YouTube, Flickr, Hulu and more on your BuddyPress network.

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BuddyPress Avatar Hover let's you add a pop box when hovering on the group/member avatars and gives you more information at a glance.

Categories: General

Using BP Profile Status plugin you can set status in your BuddyPress Profile.

Categories: General

Show profile view count for the buddypress user similar to linkedin.

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This plugin adds a Group Type search and filter at BuddyPress Group Directory. It also…

Categories: General

Extend restricting group creation with mappings to WordPress Capabilities and various thresholds

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BuddyPress Match adds functionality to match profiles and shows matching percentage on profile.

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Email verification for user registration to protect spam.

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This plugin only allows friends and site administrators to send private messages on your BuddyPress site.

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Adds a resume page to BuddyPress profile. Also adds nav menu item under Avatar and in admin bar.

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This plugin allows you to change any BuddyPress group into an announce-only group, where only admins and moderators can post.

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This plugin lets you have a normal site Homepage for visitors while logged-in users have their BP Profile as Homepage. This is similar to Facebook.

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Adds a What's Hot tab to the BuddyPress activity stream.

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Bookmark and Favorite plugin for WordPress with category/list support.

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BuddyPress Featured members plugin allows you to make fetured members in you BuddyPress community and show them using shortcodes

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Create engaged communities with every post.

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Allows users to take control of the way that the links in their Buddypress profiles are handled.

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Segregate your BP networks in a multi-network WP install.

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BuddyPress Searchable Activity allows users to search BuddyPress Activity

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Password strength meter for the 'change password' screen in BuddyPress

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Enables propagation of Activity Items through a hierarchy of BuddyPress Groups established by the BP Group Hierarchy plugin.

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BP Favorite Groups is an easy way for users to bookmark the best groups. Users can filter activity by their favorite groups.

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When using More Privacy Options, this plugin removes items from BP activity streams according to user roles.

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Allows BuddyPress group mods and admins to move a single forum topic to another group, updating the activity items as well.

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Shows a label for unread forum posts.

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Creates a Group Frontpage from a form BuddyPress Group Admins fill out. Like a book cover.

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BuddyPress Private Community allows the site owner to lock the different BuddyPress components on the site for non-logged-in users and gives options t …

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Multilingual Extended Profiles in multisite BuddyPress

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Notifiction Favorite Activity.

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This plugin uses BuddyPress's notification system to let users subscribe to all new posts on a site (or many sites if you run Multisite).

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This plugin will allow your to post activities for BuddyPress and BuddyBoss Platform using shortcode from any page or any cpt post.

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This plugin adds a Defaults menu option to BuddyPress Docs, allowing the default sort order and docs per page settings to be changed.

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Insert Group, Follow, or User Profile details into a page or post, recreate many group and profile page options.

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Let your users show their featured photos(or audio, video, doc) and featured galleries on their BuddyPress profile.

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Buddypress Xprofile Custom Field Types adds extra custom profile fields to BuddyPress. Field types are: Birthdate, Email, Url etc.

Categories: General

This plugin will limit the number of comments and word length each user can add to a Wordpress blog post, definable by user role and length of time.

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BuddyPress Featured Groups plugin allows site admins to mark groups as featured and display their list.

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BuddyPress Profile Completion Plugin allows site admins to force BuddyPress site members to fill all required profile fields, upload profile photo and …

Categories: General

This plugin allows you to change any BuddyPress group into a fan page group, where only admins and moderators can post.

Categories: General

Add user editable widgets to the BP Nouveau profile home page with a widgets for text, video, posts, BuddyPress activity, mentions, friends and groups …

Categories: General

Adds admin editable widgets to the BP Nouveau group home page BP Legacy Home (Activity) pages with widgets for text, video, members, activity, comment …

Categories: General

Designed to work with BuddyPress Group, Members Only and Friends posts this front end post editor comes with a wide range of features to allow you to …

Categories: General

Block, Suspend, Report for BuddyPress provides enhanced moderation for your BuddyPress or BuddyBoss site.

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Intelligent automatic invite codes system. Create Invite only Registration Funnels, Products and more.

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Create custom BuddyPress profile menu pages, gracefully.

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Swipe through your BuddyPress members with a flick of your finger!

Categories: General