Plugins on the list:

Accept donations and begin fundraising with GiveWP, the highest rated WordPress donation plugin for online giving.

Categories: General

IgnitionDeck is the original white-label crowdfunding plugin for WP. Build your own platform with unlimited projects.

Categories: General

Easily create and manage sign-up sheets for activities and events, while protecting the privacy of the volunteers' personal information.

Categories: General

An online sign-up sheet manager where your users can sign up for tasks.

Categories: General

Easily accept donations of varying amounts through your WooCommerce store.

Categories: General

WP Crowdfunding is a WordPress plugin for fundraising/backer sites. This WooCommerce based plugin lets you launch a site like Kickstarter easily.

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Crowdfunding products for WooCommerce.

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YITH Donations for WooCommerce allows you to add donation in your orders

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A GiveWP add-on which allows you to upload a file to use as an attachment on your donation email receipts and donation confirmation page.

Categories: General

A small utility that allows for faster navigation in the Give WordPress plugin from the admin bar.

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Thermometer for WooCommerce Crowdfunding products.

Categories: General

This plugin lets you accept donations in WooCommerce. Users can specify the amount they want to donate.

Categories: General

Managing Donations with GiveWP? Here's to easier & faster fundraising with this Toolbar Extras Add-On. Extension support baked right in.

Categories: General

FundEngine - Fundraising Donation plugin and Crowdfunding Platform comes with Single donation and crowdfunding solution. You can use our plugin Either …

Categories: General

A GiveWP add-on that adds simple social sharing buttons to the Donation Confirmation page.

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A GiveWP add-on that let's you designate unique confirmation pages per form. Useful for multilingual sites or customizing your thank you messagin …

Categories: General

A GiveWP add-on which allows you to display a countdown on your donation forms until a certain date/time. Various actions are available when the count …

Categories: General

Add a Widget that display IgnitionDeck projects by selected project-type, this let you have a "featured projects" section.

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This plugin lets you add Bitcoin donations to your WooCommerce checkout page.

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Thousands of online campaigns are using this gauge. It is the No.1 rating giving thermometer WordPress plugin. And it is Totally FREE!

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A GiveWP Add-on to help administrators gather data on donor interaction via Facebook Pixel.

Categories: General

100% free donation system for your fundraising that supports recurring donations and more

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