Plugins on the list:

bbPress is forum software for WordPress.

Categories: General

Implement attachments upload to the topics and replies in bbPress plugin through a media library and add additional forum-based controls.

Categories: General

bbPress addon for LearnPress is a plugin which bring bbPress features to LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin.

Categories: General

Adds different expansions and tools to the bbPress plugin powered forums: BBCode support, signatures, various tweaks, custom views, quote...

Categories: General

Activates the visual tab for the bbPress TinyMCE editor and provides a few other options.

Categories: General

bbPress Notify (No-Spam)

By Vinny Alves (UseStrict Consulting)

bbPress Notifications on steroids.

Categories: General

For bbPress - Creates private forum groups

Categories: General

Upload inline images to BBPress forum topics and replies.

Categories: General

Restrict access to bbPress for free or premium members by integrating bbPress with the top WordPress membership plugin Paid Memberships Pro.

Categories: General

A simple plugin to allow your bbPress users to mark their replies as private.

Categories: General

This plugin adds useful admin links and resources for the bbPress 2.x Forum Plugin to the WordPress Toolbar / Admin Bar.

Categories: General

Give your bbPress forum users the ability to report inappropriate content or spam in topics or replies.

Categories: General

Swiss knife tweaking and hacking Toolkit for bbPress. Set global options and style your forums.

Categories: General

bbPress plugin to manage your support requests.

Categories: General

A simple plugin to add Mark as read / Unread links to your bbPress forum topics.

Categories: General

Counts the number of times a bbPress topic has been viewed, and allows the administrator to display the count in various places.

Categories: General

Send digests with forum's active topics.

Categories: General

A Wordpress plugin to show user online/offline statuses in bbpress topics and replies

Categories: General

Provides bbPress with support for topic thumbnails.

Categories: General

For buddypress/bbPress - Displays any combination of up to 4 buddypress field under the authors avatar in topics and replies

Categories: General

Moderation Tools extends bbPress to give you more control over your forums by adding rules that can automatically detect spam from users and bots.

Categories: General

Allows BuddyPress group mods and admins to move a single forum topic to another group, updating the activity items as well.

Categories: General

Shows a label for unread forum posts.

Categories: General

bbPress Topic Sections allows to split the topic content field into several sections.

Categories: General

Allow members to send private messages only if the recipient is following them. Requires the BuddyPress Followers plugin.

Categories: General

Connect GamiPress with bbPress

Categories: General

bbPress Pencil Unread display which bbPress forums/topics have already been read by the user.

Categories: General

A great plugin completely changes the entire design bbpress in light or dark color

Categories: General

Track bbPress Forum Activities. Never miss a single thread.

Categories: General

A bbPress plugin to set your forum's topic resolutions.

Categories: General

Implement polls system for bbPress powered forums, for users to add polls to topics, with settings to control voting, poll closing, display of results …

Categories: General

Lets the admin add "featured" or "buried" css class to selected bbPress replies.

Categories: General

The bbPress Shortcodes plugin provides a TinyMCE dropdown button in the visual editor that users can access to use any bbPress shortcodes.

Categories: General

Use TinyMCE with bbPress

By Michael Glenn

TinyMCE editor designed specifically for use in bbPress forums. Includes a spoiler button and full support for spoiler shortcode.

Categories: General

This plugin will limit the number of comments and word length each user can add to a Wordpress blog post, definable by user role and length of time.

Categories: General

Let visitors vote up and down on bbPress topics and replies just like Reddit or Stack Overflow!

Categories: General

Enhanced and powerful search for bbPress powered forums, with options to filter results by various criteria.

Categories: General

This plugin creates some reaction buttons that could be added to content and comments.

Categories: General

A full-featured documentation plugin including AI writing assistance to create knowledge bases, docs, FAQs, wikis, and more with easy drag & drop UI.

Categories: General

The Follow for bbPress provides a users following system for bbPress.

Categories: General

Connect AutomatorWP with bbPress

Categories: General

Expand how the moderators can manage forum and topics content from the frontend, from any page showing the list of topics or forums.

Categories: General