Plugins on the list:

Select different Themes for one or more WordPress Pages, Posts or other non-Admin pages. Or Site Home.

Categories: General

This plugin will create a new login page for your site. You can also create separate login pages for administrators and for other users.

Categories: General

Genera dinámicamente el archivo sitemap-image.xml, un mapa de sitio de imágenes para Google. No requiere ningún tipo de configuración.

Categories: General

Gives you the resources to make select field with redirecting options to a given URLs.

Categories: General

The essential plugin for every multisite install! Manage plugin access permissions across your entire multisite network.

Categories: General

Enhance Multisite for Network Admins with different topics

Categories: General

A Robots.txt Manager Plugin for WordPress Multisite Networks. Quickly and easily manage all robots.txt files…

Categories: General

Use navigation menus from another multisite blog on the same network to achieve a universal common navigation area.

Categories: General

Manage user roles for each blog from a single screen on multisite (WPMU) setups

Categories: General

Adds an "Add New" sub menu item to the Plugins menu of all sites inside of a network for network admins.

Categories: General

Show the latest posts from all blogs in multisite Wordpress.

Categories: General

Allow website administrators to allocate passwords to users as they add them to invidivual sites in WordPress Multisite.

Categories: General

Allows you to insert ads after paragraphs of your post content, throughout your multisite network.

Categories: General

Consolidates all network feeds into one.

Categories: General

Display an index of all sites on a multisite network with a widget or a shortcode ([site-index]). The site icon, title, and tagline are displayed by d …

Categories: General

Sync/unsync users from one site (blog) to the other sites (blogs) in your WordPress Multisite Network.

Categories: General

Redirect a multisite user to their own site.

Categories: General

Easily change the logo on a network site's WP login screen using WordPress's Customize settings.

Categories: General

Multisite Shared Sidebar

By Mikio ISHITANI [ 2019/3/6 ]

This plugin allows a sidebar to be shared between blogs on a multisite.

Categories: General

Display network most commented posts with a Widget or a Shortcode.

Categories: General

Allow global terms across all blogs on a multisite installation.

Categories: General

Adds a lot useful admin links to the WordPress Toolbar / Admin Bar in Multisite, Network and single site installs. Comes with extended plugin support!

Categories: General

A WordPress Multisite Plugin that runs a Widget in a context of another site that belongs to the network

Categories: General

Sort My Sites lets you change the ordering of the My Sites menu on the dashboard and in the admin bar.

Categories: General

List all sites of multisite environment at single place

Categories: General

Allow the public to register user accounts on Subsites within a Network (MultiSite) installation.

Categories: General

Use shortcodes on a page/post to display/edit all posts from all multisite subsites.

Categories: General

The plugin is designed to share posts, pages, and custom post types from across entire network on any given page for any subdomain and the main blog.

Categories: General

Quickly search through all blogs into your WordPress Multisite by post title, post content, post…

Categories: General

For Multisite, Edit the role of all sites for the user from the network user edit screen.

Categories: General

Welcome to the best free user synchronization solution for WordPress Multisite.

Categories: General

Avoid having to separately sign in to separate-domain sites of the same multisite installation!

Categories: General

WooCommerce Multisite module to synchronize product data using the SKU (stock, price...)

Categories: General

This plugin allows you to show WooCommerce products on different domains or subdomains to make a multistore WooCommerce website.

Categories: General