Plugins on the list:

Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Categories: Forms

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Connects Google Analytics with your WordPress site. Displays stats to help you understand your users and site content on a whole new level!

Categories: General

A highly customizable, easy-to-use popular posts plugin!

Categories: General

A better way to tell the world when your blog is updated.

Categories: General

Create and install your favicon for all platforms: PC/Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android devices, Windows 8 tablets...

Categories: General

Visit Counter, shows reads and visitors per page, visitors today, yesterday, last week, last months and other statistics.

Categories: General

Easily add Custom CSS or JS to your website with an awesome editor.

Categories: General

Post Views Counter allows you to display how many times a post, page or custom post type had been viewed in a simple, fast and reliable way.

Categories: General

Have you felt the need to show related post, post list or any particular post within your post? Yuzo is ideal💫 for these needs.

Categories: General

To Top is a nifty lightweight plugin. It adds a highly customizable button, which when clicked, scrolls up smoothly to the top of a page.

Categories: General

Displays social sharing icons along with fancy floating back to top and go to bottom links along with go to next post, previous post and random post l …

Categories: General