Plugins on the list:

A very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files.

Categories: General

An easy and powerful contact form builder that lets your visitors send you email. Blocks all automated spammers. No templates to mess with.

Categories: General

Change wp-login.php to anything you want.

Categories: General

Disable enqueuing of fonts from Google used by WordPress core, default themes, Gutenberg, and many more.

Categories: General

Be on top of your WordPress SEO with Techblissonline Platinum SEO Plugin, a complete SEO Pack for WordPress.

Categories: General

This plugin will help you generate Google Video Sitemaps (XML) for your WordPress blog.

Categories: General

Permanently redirect all 404's to the main blog URL. The primary purpose is to salvage Google PageRank (TM) from missing pages.

Categories: General

The #1 WordPress RSS aggregator to quickly import RSS feeds, build a news aggregator, and for easy autoblogging.

Categories: General

Limit rate of login attempts and block IP temporarily. Brute force attack protection. GDPR compliant. Captcha enabled.

Categories: General

Simple Google Sitemap XML generates a valid Google XML sitemap.

Categories: General

Similar to the default RSS widget, but gives you complete control over how RSS feeds are parsed for your sidebar.

Categories: General

This plugin's functionality has been included in WordPress core for many years. It is no longer necessary to use this plugin.

Categories: General