Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.
Categories: Forms
Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.
Categories: Seo
Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE).
Categories: General
The go-to tool for cloning posts and pages, including the powerful Rewrite & Republish feature.
Categories: General
Optimize images & bulk compress images with lossless compression, lazy load, convert WebP, and properly size images via CDN for incredibly fast sites.
Categories: General
Manage 301 redirects, track 404 errors, and improve your site. No knowledge of Apache or Nginx required.
Categories: General
Sophisticated antispam plugin for effective daily comment and trackback spam-fighting. Built with data protection and privacy in mind.
Categories: General
Manage all your WordPress updates, including individual updates, automatic updates, logs, and loads more. This also works very well with WordPress Mul …
Categories: General
Automatically redirect, log and notify all 404 page errors to any page using 301 redirect for SEO. No more 404 Errors in WebMaster tool.
Categories: General
Add From Server is designed to help ease the pain of bad web hosts, allowing you to upload files via FTP or SSH and later import them into WordPress.
Categories: General
This top rated Activity Log plugin helps you monitor & log all changes and actions on your WordPress site, so you can remain secure and organized.
Categories: General
File manager simplifies file tasks: edit, create, upload, delete, copy, move, rename, compress, extract. No more FTP worries; it's easy to use.
Categories: General
An easy, clean and simple way to enhance your site with code snippets.
Categories: General
CHANGE: admin menu, login page, admin bar, dashboard widgets, custom colors, custom CSS & JS, logo & images
Categories: General
Block excessive login attempts and protect your site against brute force attacks. Simple, yet powerful tools to improve site performance.
Categories: General
What The File is the best tool to find out what template parts are used to display the page you're currently viewing!
Categories: General
Nested Pages provides a drag and drop interface for managing pages & posts in the WordPress admin, while maintaining quick edit functionality.
Categories: General
Allows you to create multiple pages in a batch/bulk manner saving time when initially setting up your WordPress site
Categories: General
Disables the theme, plugin and core update checking, the related cronjobs, plugin/theme update health checks and notification system.
Categories: General
CF7 Customizer is an intuitive plugin to help you design site contact forms via WordPress live customizer, right at the front-end.
Categories: General
LoginPress is a Custom Login Page Customizer plugin allows you to easily customize the layout of login, admin login, client login, register pages.
Categories: General
Duplicator clone plugin can duplicate, backup website, clone website or migrate WordPress website from one hosting place to another for FREE!
Categories: General
Analytics Cat - Google Analytics Lets You Add Your Google Analytics / Universal Analytics Tracking Code To Your Site With Ease.
Categories: General
Bulk add user registrations to a WordPress site using a variety of methods.
Categories: General
A simple plugin for managing your WordPress website with Git.
Categories: General
Jarvis is your admin assistant, putting WordPress at your fingertips via a quicksearch interface.
Categories: General