Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.
Categories: Forms
Generate multiple types of sitemaps to improve SEO and get your website indexed quickly.
Categories: General
Backup, restore or migrate your WordPress website to another host or domain. Schedule backups or run manually. Migrate in minutes.
Categories: General
Get caching and more with this powerful cache plugin. Cache, optimize images, clean your database and minify for maximum performance.
Categories: General
Backup, transfer, copy, and move a site with 1-click. Quick, easy, and reliable.
Categories: General
Check posts, pages & all content for broken links to improve SEO. Get notified when bad links are found.
Categories: General
A highly customizable, easy-to-use popular posts plugin!
Categories: General
Easily set up cookie consent banner, notice, and policy pages for compliance with global cookie laws (GDPR, DSGVO, RGPD, CCPA/CPRA, etc).
Categories: General
Flexible sidebars for custom widget configurations on any page or post. Create custom sidebars with ease!
Categories: General
Make SMTP email sending and delivery easy. Configure Gmail, Outlook, Brevo, SendGrid, Mailgun, SendLayer or connect to any SMTP server.
Categories: General
Share buttons and pop up share icons for social media sharing
Categories: General
List the most recent posts with post titles, thumbnails, excerpts, authors, categories, dates and more!
Categories: General
Add subscription forms on the website and send newsletters & automatically send post notification about new blog posts once it gets published.
Categories: General
WP Tab Widget is the AJAXified plugin which loads content by demand, and thus it makes the plugin incredibly lightweight.
Categories: General
One-click database optimization with precise revision cleanup and flexible scheduling. Speeding up sites since 2011!
Categories: General
WP-Paginate is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site.
Categories: General
file manager provides you ability to edit, delete, upload, download, copy and paste files and folders.
Categories: General
Adds a checkbox in the insert link popup box for including rel="nofollow" in links as you create them; as well as other tools that provides …
Categories: General
Ultimate Category Excluder allows you to quickly and easily exclude categories from your front page, archives, feeds, and search results.
Categories: General
The Ultimate Adsense / Ad-Management Plugin for Wordpress
Categories: General
Use a3 Lazy Load for images, videos, iframes that are not lazy loaded by WordPress core. Instantly improve your sites load time and dramatically impro …
Categories: General
Improve your speed score on GTmetrix, Pingdom Tools and Google PageSpeed Insights by adjusting CSS and JS files (defer, async, minify, combine, etc), …
Categories: General
Professional video tutorials for WordPress, WooCommerce, Elementor, and more, right in the dashboard of your WordPress site. Perfect for beginners.
Categories: General
Easy google analytics plugin will embed the google analytics code in you wordpress site.
Categories: General
A free, flat, stylish, modern, easy to use and flexible wordpress jQuery news ticker.
Categories: General
Deletes duplicate posts from the database (without affecting menus) each time a new post is published.
Categories: General
Get images for your posts with automatic generation & multiple banks. Generate as featured images or in your content with Gutenberg Block and in bulk
Categories: General
Add responsive full background to your website easily, random background support and unlimited backgrounds, compatible with all major browsers.
Categories: General
Nifty Coming Soon & Maintenance Page creates awesome Coming Soon & Maintenance Pages.
Categories: General
Add-on for Email Subscribers plugin using which you can provide option to your users to select interested groups in the Subscribe Form.
Categories: General
Easily add Google AdSense ad code to your WordPress site. Automatically show Google ads optimized for your site at optimal times and increase revenue.
Categories: General