Plugins on the list:

The simplest and fastest WP Cache system

Categories: General

Autoptimize speeds up your website by optimizing JS, CSS, images (incl. lazy-load), HTML and Google Fonts, asyncing JS, removing emoji cruft and more.

Categories: General

Easily improve site security with WordPress Hardening, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), Login Protection, Vulnerability Detection and SSL certificate …

Categories: General

Adds an AJAX rating system for your WordPress site's content.

Categories: General

Related posts for your WordPress site with inbuilt caching. Supports blocks, shortcodes, widgets and custom post types!

Categories: General

A sitemap plugin to make it easier for your site to show all your pages, posts, archives, categories and tags in an easy to read format.

Categories: General

Inline Related Posts AUTOMATICALLY inserts related posts INSIDE your content, capturing immediately the reader's attention.

Categories: General

Use a3 Lazy Load for images, videos, iframes that are not lazy loaded by WordPress core. Instantly improve your sites load time and dramatically impro …

Categories: General

Profile - WordPress profile plugin, easily add custom user fields.

Categories: General

Configure your Cookie Banner, Cookie Consent and Cookie Policy with our Wizard and Cookie Scan.

Categories: General

Disables Gutenberg editor totally everywhere and enables Classic Editor and Classic Widgets.

Categories: General