Plugins on the list:

Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Categories: Forms

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Sort Posts and custom Post Type Objects (custom post types) using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript AJAX interface or default WordPress dashboard.

Categories: General

The Sucuri WordPress Security plugin is a security toolset for security integrity monitoring, malware detection and security hardening.

Categories: General

Recent Tweets Widget plugin for new Twitter API v1.1 with CACHE, so you won't be rate limited at Twitter!

Categories: General

Like the Text widget, but also allows working PHP code to be inserted.

Categories: General

Search & Replace data in your database with WordPress admin, replace domains/URLs of your WordPress installation.

Categories: General

Lightweight, modern looking and effective social media sharing and profile buttons and icons. All your social media needs in 1 easy package!

Categories: General

What this plugin does is to reveal most removed IDs on admin pages, as it was in versions prior to 2.5.

Categories: General

Scan all of your theme files for potentially malicious or unwanted code.

Categories: General

This plugin generates as many sidebars as you need. Then allows you to place them on any page you wish.

Categories: General

Controls almost every aspect of your site's meta-data, including advanced tagging, Analytics, and dozens of plugins. The best WordPress SEO solu …

Categories: General

Executes PHP code on WordPress default Text Widget

Categories: General

Creates automatic redirects for 404 traffic and page suggestions when matches are not found providing better service to your web visitors.

Categories: General

An amazing set of great shortcodes: SEO-ready tabs, accordions, buttons, links to any content, author cards, lists, layouts, conditionals and more!

Categories: General

Image Cleanup will index unreferenced images. These can be leftovers from cropping and scaling images. Stop them cluttering your content folder!

Categories: General

Google Translate on your sidebar. You can translate your blog to reader's language from sidebar instantly by selecting language.

Categories: General

Simple widget to show the latest/random images of the WordPress media library as a Widget, using a shortcode or directly with a php-function.

Categories: General

This plugin adds tracking code for Google Analytics to your WordPress <head> section, so you can authorize your site in Google Webmaster Tools.

Categories: General

Easy way to redirect post to another post

Categories: General