Plugins on the list:

Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Categories: Forms

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Generate multiple types of sitemaps to improve SEO and get your website indexed quickly.

Categories: General

Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE).

Categories: General

Reduce your WordPress website’s risk to nearly zero with Solid Security

Categories: General

Install this plugin on unlimited sites and manage them all from a central dashboard. This plugin communicates with your InfiniteWP Admin Panel.

Categories: General

Adds a Theme option to any active theme allowing you to make a child theme.

Categories: General

Allows your site to use common javascript libraries from Google's AJAX Libraries CDN, rather than from WordPress's own copies.

Categories: General

Adds an HTML (Not XML) sitemap of your pages (not posts) by entering the shortcode [html_sitemap], perfect for those who use WordPress as a CMS.

Categories: General

Robust security and spam prevention. Leverage our pre-defined allow/block lists. Adjust configurable settings on too many hits, quick responses, etc.

Categories: General