Plugins on the list:

Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Categories: Forms

Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

Categories: Seo

Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags and more from a WordPress export file.

Categories: General

Reduce your WordPress website’s risk to nearly zero with Solid Security

Categories: General

Make email delivery easy for WordPress. Connect with SMTP, Gmail, Outlook, SendGrid, Mailgun, SES, Zoho, + more. Rated #1 WordPress SMTP Email plugin.

Categories: General

Get caching and more with this powerful cache plugin. Cache, optimize images, clean your database and minify for maximum performance.

Categories: General

Delete and REALLY force thumbnail regeneration.

Categories: General

Smaller Images, Faster Sites, Happier Visitors. Comprehensive image optimization that doesn't require a degree in rocket science.

Categories: General

Admin UI for creating custom content types like post types and taxonomies

Categories: General

Send newsletters post notifications or autoresponders from WordPress easily, and beautifully. Start to capture subscribers with our widget now.

Categories: General

Database Backup for WordPress is your one-stop database backup solution for WordPress.

Categories: General

Order your pages and other custom post types that support "page-attributes" with simple drag and drop right from the standard page list.

Categories: General

Simple 301 Redirects provides an easy method of redirecting requests to another page on your site or elsewhere on the web.

Categories: General

Migrate your database. Export full sites including media, themes, and plugins. Find and replace content with support for serialized data.

Categories: General

Automatically resizes huge image uploads. Are contributors uploading huge photos? Tired of manually resizing your images? Imsanity to the rescue!

Categories: General

Honeypot for Contact Form 7 adds honeypot non-intrusive anti-spam functionality to CF7 forms.

Categories: General

Creates functionality to duplicate any and all post types, including taxonomies & custom fields.

Categories: General

Instant switching between user accounts in WordPress.

Categories: General

Remove and delete old revision of posts, pages and related meta content completely then optimize Database: reduce size and optimization to speed up!

Categories: General

Author: WP Sharks Author URI: Contributors: WebSharks, JasWSInc, raamdev, clavaque Donate link: https://cometcache.

Categories: General

NO LONGER MAINTAINED. Send emails and upload contacts through SendGrid from your WordPress installation using SMTP or API integration.

Categories: General

MailChimp for Wordpress. Simple way to integrate MailChimp mailing lists to Contact Form 7. Save your subscribers in a proper mailing list.

Categories: General

Easily duplicate your WordPress menus with one click.

Categories: General

Easily select a CSS "Ready Class" for your fields within Gravity Forms

Categories: General

WordPress plugin that adds the content of all ACF fields to the Yoast SEO score analysis.

Categories: General

No spam, no scams, just seamless experiences with Zero Spam for WordPress - the shield your site deserves.

Categories: General

It's important for a non technical administrator to be able to diagnose server related problems in WordPress and email the information through th …

Categories: General

Advanced CSS Editor is a lightweight plugin that lets you write different CSS code for each device (desktop, tablets, and mobile phones) right from th …

Categories: General

Obfuscate email addresses to deter email-harvesting spammers.

Categories: General

Specify which widgets appear on which pages of your site.

Categories: General

Add posts, pages, categories and custom post types and taxonomy terms in bulk! Managing vast amounts of content made a walk in the park!

Categories: General

Select the crop position of your thumbnails.

Categories: General

Adds a secondary title to posts, pages and custom post types.

Categories: General

Allows you to convert the post type of objects while in the edit screen.

Categories: General

Admin Bar Button

By David Gard

Hide the WordPress admin bar until you need it.

Categories: General