Plugins on the list:

AIOSEO is the most powerful WordPress SEO plugin. Improve SEO rankings and traffic with comprehensive SEO tools and smart AI SEO optimizations!

Categories: Seo

Search Engine (SEO) & Performance Optimization (WPO) via caching. Integrated caching: CDN, Page, Minify, Object, Fragment, Database support.

Categories: General

Backup, transfer, copy, and move a site with 1-click. Quick, easy, and reliable.

Categories: General

Delete and REALLY force thumbnail regeneration.

Categories: General

A better way to manage dozens of WordPress websites.

Categories: General

An easier path to great Page Experience for everyone. Powered by AMP.

Categories: General

When using the Customizer is not enough - Create a child theme from your installed themes and customize styles, templates, functions and more.

Categories: General

See which plugins are slowing down your site. This plugin creates a performance report for your site.

Categories: General

Shield stops bot attacks before they hack your site. Bots CAN be stopped. Shield stops them.

Categories: General

Permanently redirect all 404's to the main blog URL. The primary purpose is to salvage Google PageRank (TM) from missing pages.

Categories: General

Permanently redirect all 404's to the main blog URL. The primary purpose is to salvage Google PageRank (TM) from missing pages.

Categories: General

Effective image compression and optimization during the upload process. Smart, automatic and reliable.

Categories: General

WP Mobile Detect by Jesse Friedman creates an easy way for the User Admin to control when content is shown or hid based on visitor device or operating …

Categories: General

WordPress optimization toolkit with a focus on SEO. This plugin enables to achieve a Google…

Categories: General

Working with multiple persons on a website? Want to make notes? You can do just that with WP Dashboard Notes. Create beautiful notes with a nice user …

Categories: General

Makes your website faster by combining all Google Fonts in a single request. Your websites gets a higher PageSpeed score which is good for SEO.

Categories: General