Plugins on the list:

Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Categories: Forms

Improve your WP security with powerful one-click tools like backup, WAF, and malware scan. Includes free tools like stats, CDN and social sharing.

Categories: General

AIOSEO is the most powerful WordPress SEO plugin. Improve SEO rankings and traffic with comprehensive SEO tools and smart AI SEO optimizations!

Categories: Seo

Generate multiple types of sitemaps to improve SEO and get your website indexed quickly.

Categories: General

This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong.

Categories: General

Multibyte functionality enhancement for the WordPress Japanese package.

Categories: General

A comprehensive collection of visual components for your site

Categories: General

Get caching and more with this powerful cache plugin. Cache, optimize images, clean your database and minify for maximum performance.

Categories: General

Add Custom CSS to your WordPress site without any hassles.

Categories: General

A highly customizable, easy-to-use popular posts plugin!

Categories: General

Duplicate Posts, Pages and Custom Posts easily using single click

Categories: General

🌠 The best WordPress link management, branding, tracking & sharing plugin. Easily make pretty & trackable shortlinks. 🔗

Categories: General

A powerful yet user friendly plugin that automatically creates a table of contents. Can also output a sitemap listing all pages and categories.

Categories: General

This plugin makes it easy to add Quicktags to the html - and visual-editor.

Categories: General

Adds a widget that shows the most recent posts from a single category.

Categories: General

Lazy Load

By Automattic

Lazy load images to improve page load times and server bandwidth. Images are loaded only when visible to the user.

Categories: General

User Avatar

By Enej Bajgoric / Gagan Sandhu / CTLT DEV

Provides a thumbnail area in Your Profile, for users to upload & crop new images in an overlay to be saved and stored to their profile.

Categories: General

Create and customize your maintenance page

Categories: General

WP Editor Widget adds a rich text widget where the content is edited using the standard WordPress visual editor.

Categories: General

Lets you insert your ad-code (like AdSense) directly before, after or in the middle of your post content or wherever you want without having to edit y …

Categories: General

This plugin is intended to display a link in a blog card format. The goodbye to the text-only link.

Categories: General

Drag & Drop Featured Image is a plugin that replaces the default featured image metabox with a drop zone for faster and more convenient uploads.

Categories: General

This widget will show general information (small resume) About You on your wordpress site.

Categories: General


Categories: General

Wpfavs is a plugin manager tool that let's you import your plugins lists from

Categories: General

Optimize PageSpeed Performance & Core Web Vitals, Advanced Cache, Minify CSS & JavaScript, Inline Critical CSS, Defer CSS & JS, Smush & Lazy Load, CDN

Categories: General

Display the number of comments Akismet has marked as spam.

Categories: General